It is clear as day that no-one at King support has a clue as to what is going on! People have been e-mailing them, receiving responses, and posting the responses here (now they have unfortunately been removed, apparently because they are "private messages"). I read those responses before they were deleted and not one of…
This is another "improvement" for the "benefit" of players. It's been like that in my game for months and months (i.e. full at 30 gold bars, but costs the same that 60 gold bars used to cost). It seems the change is catching up to all players now.
😀😅 I can’t even begin to explain how howlingly funny that is. Yes I indeed used “dollars” in my post, but in fact I pay for my purchases in euros. So there’s the first clue. Every single thing in my life, personal circumstances and character is as far from a Trump supporter as it is possible to get. But thanks for making…
I will try to reply from my side (although I don't much care for your loaded question; I definitely do not consider myself a "fool" or "gullible"). I have been playing Candy Crush Saga since September 2017 and yes, I buy gold bars with real money (and then use them to buy boosters). I do this because I like passing…
The reply you received does not make any sense to me either. I pointed this out and was told that it is because my "ability to understand is very low". Glad to see I'm not the only person who lacks the ability to understand such…
Fully agree with this; an excellent suggestion. The title of this thread needs to be urgently changed so that it correctly reflects what this "fix" (which in fact is not a fix at all) is about. As it is now, the affected players do not find this thread, and so we have a lot of newly posted threads concerning the change.…
This reply makes absolutely no sense. The Community Manager has already three days ago clearly stated that this is an intentional change and it will affect all players: