Can i get a refund?
Made a 99¢ purchase for ten more balls on bubble witch saga 3. When it went back to the game I got booted and never got to use them and had lost the level. Needing a refund thanks!
Connexion facebook impossible
Hello. I remark that my connexion with facebook don't work since few days. I see another photo for me and it was indicated "theresa" which is not me. Impossible to disconnect and reconnect to FB (the game says I have no internet, but it works with bubble witch saga 2 and other games and my email, with WIFI or 4G). So I…
Lost progress in Bubble Witch Saga 3
I had to reinstall the firmware on my phone and when i logged back into facebook on bubble witch saga 3 it started me back at the beginning. can you check and see if i have saved game progress somewhere and what i am doing wrong? Thanks Michael
Bubble Witch 3 Saga Level 356 Video Tutorial
Bubble Witch 3 Saga Level 354 Video Tutorial
Bubble Witch 3 Saga Level 353 Video Tutorial
Jak zvládnout úrovenˇ131
Poradťe mi jak zahrát hru 131,je to moc těžké a málo bublin na střílení.Popsat vaši otázku podrobněji zde (alespoň 80 znaků, prosím)
My game seems to have played itself?
My Bubble witch 3 game seems to have played itself? I was halfway through chapter 13 and then it thought I'd finished chapter 20 and now it thinks I've finished chapter 21 when I haven't even opened it? What's going on? How do I get back to where I was? I have lost out on all those points too.
Bubble Witch 3 Saga Level 351 Video Tutorial
Defeat Wilbur with these 3 easy tips!
In Bubble Witch 3 Saga you’ve probably come across Wilbur, the pesky feline that everyone loves to hate, hates to hate or just plain hates. Wilbur, a unremarkable and lazy-cat, was mysteriously turned into our antagonist. He now stands between you and the sweet syrupy nectar of ultimate victory. At the end of every episode…