No internet connection
Bubble Witch Saga 3 - the internet connection does not work, even though I have full internet for the other apps on my tablet. So cannot get access to my gold bars and no access to side games.What's the problem?
never have all my lives
For 4 days now when I start the game I have 5 lives, after one dies it says I'm out of lives only having used one? So I have to wait a hour to even play again. This is ridiculous. and apparently something that is happening to a couple of KING games. what has happened? This used to be the best group of games to play now its…
starting bubble witch 3 all new
i want to start bw3 all over again. how long does it take, until all my achievments are deleted? just tried to start bw2, which i haven´t played for many months - but i got right back to the level, where i had left off! so how long will i have to wait, until i´m out of bubble witch 3?
Why did my game automatically finish ALL levels?
I played to level 312 and the next day I had "played" right up to level 380. Updated and new world is also completely unlocked
Finished level 320 bubble witch 3 using real money and says 5 more rows it's a ghost level I brok
I used real money to finish level 320 there was 1 row and the clouds. I broke thru the clouds and it says 5 more rows. Ghost level doesn't need all rows cleared just break clouds Please advance me
Is Level 379 is impossible to beat? There are 5 owls missing!!
I got to the end of the level and thought it was completed but looking at the owl tracker it still said I had 5 more to release so I "lost" the level. Kind of disappointed since I had purchased gold bars just to complete the level since I had been stuck!
I upgraded my house and it completely reset it
this is my mom's account but she doesn't speak english and she is a huge fan of your game (which i recommended to her), she plays a lot and a few days ago she commented me that she was sad because she upgraded her house she told me she spent around 8000 magic dust for that upgrade and that she waited for the upgrade to…
Not available in your country
I was asked to delete the game n reinstall it...now its telling me it this app not available in your country....how can I get back the game....
Why does that annoying Flynn have to come up every time i start the game?
How can i stop Flynn from coming up upon starting the game? It's annoying as hell to have to keep clicking through it all the time to start. My iPad does not do this when I play the game on it.
Treasure Chest Levels
Why do I have to start from level 1 every time I leave those levels? No way to complete all the levels with one set of lives. Not going to try anymore. No use.