Effective communication
I suggest a special space should be created where candy crush players and lovers get to interact and share ideas with there fellow candy players,and also get to know their friends in the game.I think that will a great idea to consider in the next update of the game as it will improve and enhance a cordial relationship…
Double Fish
If you have the double fish token why when you match a fish with a striped or wrapped candy does only one of the fish have that bonus, surely both fish should have it if it's in play
Streak race
I think that 2nd and third positions rewards shouldn't be the same, their should be at least a different between
Tree of Life Updated
It would be very helpful to update the tips using more recent Chapters. I am on Chapter 373 and it takes a long time to go so far back.
Chat with friends
All things is good, if possible add one option, chat with friends.
Edited by CM: Please repost in English so everyone can understand
*Edited by CM: Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules
Earning New Medals Badge
While I only have one medal left to collect in BW3, I think that the new players and some well along plays might benefit having a Earning New Medals Badge. Badges could be handed out for obtaining three, six, nine, and twelve medals. Fifteen Medals in total are available. It would give everyone a chance to see what other…
The Fairy Dash Improvement
In my opinion we should have an opportunity to win gold bars during The Fairy Dash. Other King games show us that it is possible,for example Candy Crush Saga allows the player to win a lot of gold bars during The Episode Race. The same with Candy Crush Soda or Candy Crush Jelly. The first three places win gold bars.
Idea: Accessibility Feature in BW3. Like King Games, CCSS and CCFS have Accessibility Feature. In BW3, no Accessibility Feature in Home Page or Menu. Remove In-game Flashing (e.g. Nero's Orb when Full), Turn off Hits (e.g. Nero's Tutorial), Turn off Pop-up Progress Bar at top (e.g. Bubble Collector or Ghost Reunion) and…
Extra bubbles from purchase
If you look at my level 1977 i purchaesed 9 gold bars for 14 extra bubbls because it was.taking me forever to pass the level. I didnt all 14, so what if we were given the option to save the exrra bubles from purchases that we use right then. Im jist saying im on level 1978, I've been playing for a while maybe after a…