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Hello kings i have a question about bubble witch 3 saga level 765.

Level_help Posts: 68

Level 3

I used to deal with very hard levels on bubble witch 3 saga,  and passed many of them , sometimes based on skillis , sometimes on fairys and luck , but never give up, but on this new episode is one level 765 that its impoosible to pass because have only red bubbles and ice red bubbles . and didnt have fairys  and dont based on any luck , so i used any possible strategy  but cant be done . So i can say for sure that this level for the moment its impoosible . if you can do something i will be very happy . Thank.


  • Lynette
    Lynette Posts: 7,152

    Thanks for posting   :-)   I will see if we can get this message passed onto the game makers - they might change this impossible Level!

  • Level_help
    Level_help Posts: 68

    Level 3

    Thanks Lynette  they changed   this levels and now its normal level , thanks to king too

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