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I'm level 1560 but, this is what happen, When i use star cat. ( 7 SCREENSHOT )

phi1ar Posts: 156
edited May 2019 in Support

BW3 my  level is 1560,

 I supposed to have max levels star cats

but, this is what happen, below

Best Answers

  • phi1ar
    phi1ar Posts: 156
    edited May 2019 Answer ✓

    I play on window10

    and, star cat are not at the correct level.

    as you see in the picture above

    eri supposed to be x10, but its only x6 and other cats either.

  • phi1ar
    phi1ar Posts: 156
    edited May 2019 Answer ✓

    game id issue,

    this is what happened.

    I had two account.

    main account = one with the attach with facebook(10324657095)--> max level 1560

    and other account is king's account with email login.(10352442231)-----> low level

    and, king's account login email was same as my facebook login id

    I attached king's account to facebook in the game

    then, some how they combine

    now, main account id is gone.

    main facebook account id is changed to 10352442231 (king's account)

    Character level follows the main account(one with the max level)

    star cat level follows the king's account(one with the low level)

    and all the boosters, golds are gone.

    that's what happened.

  • phi1ar
    phi1ar Posts: 156
    Answer ✓

    if you click on the picture

    you will see biger one

  • phi1ar
    phi1ar Posts: 156
    Answer ✓

    I want to play the game.

    when can game studio  fix my problem?(star cat issue)

  • QueenMia
    QueenMia Posts: 12,972
    Answer ✓
    Hello @phi1ar :)

    I hope you're doing well! Sorry for the delay, but I've just got the word that the problem should be fixed with the version 5.5 so if you haven't got it yet, make sure to install it! 

    Thanks again for your patience and sorry for the inconvenience :star: 


  • phi1ar
    phi1ar Posts: 156
    edited May 2019

    My game id was 10324657095 until this morning.

    but, some how, my game id changed to 10352442231

    it happens today.

    when I login, all my progress is changed. golds, boosters, star cat levels, etc.

    can you delete  the game id 10352442231 and  put me back to game id 10324657095 please?

    can you help?

  • phi1ar
    phi1ar Posts: 156
    edited May 2019

    I still have problem with the star cat's level and boosters,gold etc.

    I spent hundreds of dollars on this account

    my star cat was all max level.

    but, It hasn't been fixed yet.

    my  game id is 10324657095 and  it changed to 10352442231

    please, help me so, I can play this game.

  • kaiser1618
    kaiser1618 Posts: 268
    Did you reinstall the game ? last time I desinstalled/reinstalled the game my ID also changed.
  • phi1ar
    phi1ar Posts: 156
    edited May 2019

    nope, I never reinstall the game.
    On the contrary, all the boosters I bought for the money were gone.

  • QueenMia
    QueenMia Posts: 12,972
    Hey @phi1ar :waving:

    I am sorry but there's no possibility to change the Game Id. If you re-installed the game, it created a new one, so note that this is the one you need to use for now: 10352442231 

    As for the Star Cats, I'm not sure I understand your problem. Is it that they are not at the correct level? Could you please elaborate? Also, you'll need to let you know what device you're playing on please.

  • phi1ar
    phi1ar Posts: 156
    edited May 2019 Answer ✓

    I play on window10

    and, star cat are not at the correct level.

    as you see in the picture above

    eri supposed to be x10, but its only x6 and other cats either.

  • QueenMia
    QueenMia Posts: 12,972
    Ok, thanks for clarifying :) Could not see ver y well on the screenshot as it's a little too small for my eyes  O.o

    We are having some issues at the moment, unfortunately, and our Game Studio is investigating. I will let you know as soon as there's an update but for now, all we can do is be patient. 

    Sorry about the inconvenience.
  • phi1ar
    phi1ar Posts: 156
    edited May 2019 Answer ✓

    game id issue,

    this is what happened.

    I had two account.

    main account = one with the attach with facebook(10324657095)--> max level 1560

    and other account is king's account with email login.(10352442231)-----> low level

    and, king's account login email was same as my facebook login id

    I attached king's account to facebook in the game

    then, some how they combine

    now, main account id is gone.

    main facebook account id is changed to 10352442231 (king's account)

    Character level follows the main account(one with the max level)

    star cat level follows the king's account(one with the low level)

    and all the boosters, golds are gone.

    that's what happened.

  • phi1ar
    phi1ar Posts: 156
    Answer ✓

    if you click on the picture

    you will see biger one

  • phi1ar
    phi1ar Posts: 156
    Answer ✓

    I want to play the game.

    when can game studio  fix my problem?(star cat issue)

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