First of all, well done on going through the second phase of the Pot of Gold The rewards will be paid as follow: 11.30am if you're based in EMEA countries and 16.00 for those of you who are based in the US!
Hey @cfisher6383, thanks for your feedback. New levels were released more or less at the same time so great players like you could earn more stars. It's something however that we are aware of and our Bubblific game Studio is looking at how to improve the experience for you, guys!
Thanks for letting us know how you feel, we appreciate those feedback as they help us make the game better!
First of all, well done on going through the second phase of the Pot of Gold The rewards will be paid as follow: 11.30am if you're based in EMEA countries and 16.00 for those of you who are based in the US!
How were the gold bars distributed? Was it based off of how many points you earned in the event? I did get my 20 gold bars (thank you!) But I'm curious if I would have actually been able to participate would I have been able to get more? Would there be any way of letting people know there is an upcoming event so those of us who have completed the game can wait to start any new levels that are released so we might have a chance at actually scoring points? I really like the concept of the event I'm just really disappointed by the point earning system. If there are going to be new levels released before an awesome event like this, can we find out in advance? I always start immediately on the new chapters as soon as they're available and when this event started I had already completed every level, I had no chance at getting a bigger prize (if they were distributed based on points). 😢 I really like the Leo's Cup event too...but again, not really overly thrilled with the prizes being like just one stereo bolt. I do really like it because it's like I'm able to play "new" levels though. Lol