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Newbies, This message is for you! (Part Two)

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,544
edited February 2020 in Discussions

The Bubble Witch 2 Support section contains players messages on issues that they found in the game.  Please check to see if your issue has already been report, and if it has then please add your thoughts on it.  You can also do a search in the community to see if your issue has been reported yet. 

There is also an FAQ section for Bubble Witch 2 and it is further broken down into two sections (How to play and General Questions).

The How to play section was written by King Management and it explains the boosters, power-ups, game modes, etc. The General Questions section shares answers to many common questions such as progress, purchases, etc.  If you are a visual person then you might want to check out this video - A Superstar Guide to Bubble Witch 2 Saga.

The Bubble With Saga Support section is the oldest of the three games, so we only have this one section.  You will find all questions asked by the players about the events and/or issues with the games.  If you are a visual person then you might want to check out this video - A Superstar Guide to Bubble Witch Saga.

And now we come to the Videos area. 

The Videos area was created so that our Superstar, @Lynette, could upload all the level videos that she creates for Bubble Witch 3 Saga.

Now we come to our final area News & Special Events.

The News & Special Events area are all current and past contests for the Bubble Witch community, as well as contests going on throughout the King community.   Please participate in these events for a chance to win some gold bars for your game. 

I am now going to redirect you to another area in a different part of the community.

This is our Superstar Information area.  This is where you can read all about the Superstar program and also you can ask the Superstars any questions that you might have about the program.

Also in this area is the Superstar Blogs & Videos section.  This area is also set up for other games but for now you can watch the video guides for the beginners:  A Superstar Guide to Bubble Witch Saga, A Superstar Guide to Bubble Witch 2 Saga, and A Superstar Guide to Bubble Witch 3 Saga.

So welcome one and all!  Here we can express frustration, ideas, happy moments when you've cleared that very hard level and much more.  If you are not aware of tagging, I will show you how it's done.  If you are in a message or even starting a new message and you want to tag a Superstar or a manager all that you need to do is to start with the "@" sign and start typing the name.  A box should pop up where you can click on the name, or you can just type it out.

          If you haven't read part one then please click on image to start at the beginning.

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