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Problem when failing a level

MitchyUK Posts: 2

Level 1

Hi! I'm running the Bubble Witch 3 Saga app as a download on my PC (Windows 10).  I've just started playing and finally hit a level I couldn't complete first time. I get the image below and then nothing else happens, the white light in the middle just keeps going round and round. I have to close the game and re-open it to try the level again.


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    edited September 2019
    Hello @MitchyUK, Hearty Welcome to the Bubble Witch 3 section of our friendly King Community 🤗

    I play BW 3 on my iPad and the only time I see that constant looping circle is when my internet connection is down, or the server is not working so well!!  I am guessing probably it would be the reason for you too!  Especially since you are playing on PC,  without proper connection, the games won't work, right?  

    But, I am just in the beginning levels of the game and have not seen all the bugs & glitches yet!!  I will tag our Superstar, my friend and an expert of this game @Chicken_Slayer who can give you more insight about the issue! 

    I request you to please be patient as it is the weekend, she might have lot of things to take care of!! 

    In the mean time, please take a part in this simple contest to win some Gold Bars for your game 

    All the very Best with the Contest and your game!  Have a great rest of the weekend =)
  • MitchyUK
    MitchyUK Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Hi! Thank you for your response. I look forward to hearing from your friend and expert. I can confirm that I have an excellent broadband internet connection and that I can successfully stream movies and shows with no problem, so I don't think that is the issue. I have no connection problems elsewhere in the game, only when I fail to complete a level. 
  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,416
    Thanks @PummyRaj for the tag and welcome @MitchyUK, can you tell me which level it is please, and does it do it on other levels if you fail them?
    I see you downloaded the app, have you checked the store for any updates? It might be worth trying some troubleshooting as even if your broadband is excellent, sometimes the servers do have issues. Or as I find, a game seems to have issues on my ipad with connection yet I can watch netflix ok. Its really odd, but it might just be something stupid. So try this and let us know if it doesn't help :)

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?