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I am locked out of my Katarany account on the Community Forum

sadkat Posts: 3

Level 1

Hello @QueenRaffie and everyone here. Right now I am sadkat but really I am Katarany. I have messaged QueenRaffie privately as well, because I didn't think I could post here as sadkat. But it seems like I was wrong about that and here I am as a very SAD Kat. :(  I cannot get into my Katarany account because the technical wizards require my password to be reset but when I try to reset it, I am told that I will receive an email with further instructions. The email never arrives. I have tried 3 times but it still never arrives. 

I contacted the support team to ask for help to get back into the community site here as Katarany but they just send me standard answers about how to fix my game. I do not have a problem with my game. I am still playing and loving it. But I have a problem with my account here on the community site. The support people tell me that I must go to the community site and ask for help here if the answer they gave me doesn't fix my problem. (It doesn't) So I am asking here. How can I get back into this site on my Katarany account? I don't want to be sadkat. I just made her up because it was the only way I could get back in here. And I only have one real email address so I had to make something fake up so I could get on here as sadkat. 

Can anyone help me out with this please?

Best Answer

  • sadkat
    sadkat Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Answer ✓
    Thanks to @QueenRaffie for helping me get back to my old self as Katarany. I will not post on this account again unless I get locked out of Katarany and this one will still work. Sadkat is going to sleep now for the foreseeable future.


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
     Hello @sadkat Hearty Welcome to (your new profile) Bubble Witch 3 section of our friendly King Community :) 

    The reason you are not able to log-into the Community with your old profile is because, the Community had make some changes last week because of some spammers.  

    All we have to do is "change your password"!  But to do so, first clear all the cookies/cache & delete the browsing history on your device --->  Then come back to Community page  --->  Enter your email address, then do not enter your password, but tap on "Forgot Password" --->  Now, go to your email and follow the link from there to change password for the Community --->  Now, you will be able to enter into the Community without any issue.  

    Please post back if you need further assistance!  Just in case, if you tap on "Type your Comment" box located below, you will be able to post back :+1: 

    Talk to you soon!  Have a great rest of the day/evening!
  • sadkat
    sadkat Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Hello @PummyRaj and thank-you for trying to help me. I did exactly what you said, step by step. I had to google how to clear my cookies/cache and browsing  history for Chrome on Windows 10. I found that and followed all the steps and then I went back to the screen where I tried to log in as Katarany and I deleted my saved password and just tapped on 'forgot'. Everything just like you said. Then I got the little message that says 'We have sent an email to your address with further instructions.' So then I opened my email and hunted high and low - including in the junk folder (I look there first - its where I find the good stuff). BUT... I am really sorry to have to tell you that I have not received any email. It just doesn't arrive. 

    I know that the email address works because this morning I received an email from the King support section asking me to fill in the survey to tell them how well they had done in fixing my recent problem. I did fill in the survey but I could not tell them anything good at all.

    Can you think of any other solution? Thanks again. from Katarany (who is still a sadKat  :(  )
  • sadkat
    sadkat Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Answer ✓
    Thanks to @QueenRaffie for helping me get back to my old self as Katarany. I will not post on this account again unless I get locked out of Katarany and this one will still work. Sadkat is going to sleep now for the foreseeable future.
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    Very glad to know that your @katarany account is open now!  And it is completely understandable that the @sadkat will be going back to sleep, because she is not sad any more and taking rest with happy sweet dreams :D:D  
  • LadyRaffie
    LadyRaffie Posts: 4,124
    My pleasure @katarany :3

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