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Good and sad news

I have been able to Go back and edit my profile on each Game except for one I have gotten my games back but still bubble witch 3 Saga as you can see from the pictures I'm going to send It is still a no go 1 pitcher is the 3337 which you've seen before The new one is for 525 that's the game I'm stuck Iwith so far the 2 of these games added to 3862 which I would be so close to getting to my level 4 Which I Have wanted so badIy I do hope that you can continue to help me you have been so much help in the past that's why I have the games back that I did get back And for that I am grateful but my game is bubble witch 3 Shaga and that's the one I want so badly please help This down trodden and Sad Grandmother Again thank you so much.


  • Hi @jojo75 Without the correct ID there is no more we can do the ID you gave us relates to a different game the one you are higher on it does not relate to the lower level game.

    This is why I asked have you got another account as I have been asked similar questions from JoJo75durham

    So maybe you did a name change and it is confusing this issue πŸ‘β­

  • jojo75
    jojo75 Posts: 398

    Pretty bubbles thank you for your help I have been looking I hope this is what you're looking for I found one other game which I'm gonna send you a picture of as .

    I can't quite remember but I think the sign in on this is Joyce Durham 72 A@ Gmail Passcode G1945@gg I do hope this helps It's the only other one I can think of and i found it quite Accident because they sent me a medal today and I pulled it up please tell me that this is gonna be able to help me if not I'll try harder thank you thank you You are a wonderful person

  • Hi @jojo75 is that screenshot from your lower level game if so tap the word king at the top of the page and let's check what ID it shows

    Please don't worry I wont leave you until we can get you sorted πŸ‘β­

    Please try to reply only in one thread let's say this one as it's hard to keep track when you post in different areas πŸ‘β­

  • jojo75
    jojo75 Posts: 398

    All I really won't it's just to get bubble witch 3 saga bscreenshot of it now The bubble witch 3 saga I'm playing now I will show you a picture And you will see why I'm so discouraged it's just not the same Somehow and I don't know how I've got my other games back this is the only one left driving me crazy here's the Picture imagine going from level 3372 to level 552 It's like reading the same book over and over and over I tried clicking on the king It didn't do anything Maybe I'm just not doing it right After all I am 74 years old And sometimes things come to me slowly If there's something else I can try let me know I just feel lost. I clicked on the I'm the king at the top of the game and it just sits there doing nothing Maybe it's just me.

  • Hi @jojo75 we really need your ID to do anything I am attaching some screenshots for you to follow in order to get your ID

    First select the wheel cog that you can see here at the bottom left

    You will then see this πŸ‘‡Then select the profile tab

    You will then see this πŸ‘‡ tap on the word king to reveal your ID you may have to tap it more than once

    I will wait to see how you get on but those steps will reveal your ID πŸ‘β­

  • jojo75
    jojo75 Posts: 398

    Hallelujah thanks to my savior angel Pretty bubbles I have found another number the other number is 10384730015 I do hope this doesn't force I would like for them all to be on the number 11764130520 this is the original number I started with. I do hope this does the job Even if not your kindness will never never be forgotten You're one in a million.

  • @jojo75 well done πŸ‘ and I am glad to have helped you step by step

    Now let me see what we can find with this ID I will come back to you soon πŸ‘β­

  • Good news @jojo75 If you close your game and restart your device you will see your levels have been restored to 3372 πŸ‘

    Happy gaming and have a starlistic day ⭐⭐

  • jojo75
    jojo75 Posts: 398

    To Pretty Bubbles I am posting this here so everyone can see what a wonderful and caring person you are in the marvelous way that you have helped me thanks to you I have my game back and thanks to you and I'm once again a happy person. Thank you for all the hard weeks you have put into this that takes dedication.

  • Thank you @jojo75 and it's my pleasure β­πŸ‘

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