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ENDED 👀 Guess the Riddles for Gold and Boosters 👀



  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    edited January 2022

    Hi Jo @johamilton 🤗

    Great puzzle 👌

    Right now, I cannot figure out the first 2 riddles. But, answers for 3rd and 4th....

    3) 100 years / 365 days in a year / 24 hours in a day / 60 minutes per an hour / 60 seconds in a minute;

    4) If we take out the first letter and place it at the end, then read it in that order, the word will be same. We recently talked about these words in our study group 😃

    ** Just searched for the name 😁... these words are called as "Pallindromes"

  • KCullen127
    KCullen127 Posts: 6,705

    1.Answer: The time and date will be 01:01:01 on 01/01/01.

    2.Answer: Conversation took place on January 1 and her birthday was on December 31.

    3.Answer: 60 : 100 years in a century, 365 days in a year, 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour and 60 seconds in a minute.

    4.If you move the first letter to the end of the word, it forms the same word backwards.

    Banana = ananab

  • Here is my answer.

    1. Answer: The time and date will be 01:01:01 on 01/01/01.

    2. Answer: Conversation took place on January 1 and her birthday was on December 31.

    3. Answer: 60: 100 years in a century, 365 days in a year, 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in an hour, and 60 seconds in a minute.

    4.If you move the first letter to the end of the word, it forms the same word backwards.

    Banana = ananab

  • CassD
    CassD Posts: 18,516

    Great contest @johamilton. Good work for the grey matter! My answers:

    1) Time and date are: 01:01:01 and 01/01/01

    2) Birthday is 31 December. Two days ago (30 December), she was 22; yesterday (31 December) was her 23rd birthday. Today is 1 January, when the conversation is taking place, so this year she will be 24 and next year she will be 25 years old.

    3) 60 - 100 years in a century; 365 days in a year; 24 hours in a day; 60 minutes in an hour; therefore 60 seconds in one minute.

    4) If you remove the first letter of each one, they read the same backwards and forwards - or you can move the first letter of each word to the end and they will read the same as the original word when read backwards.

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,758

    Also tagging @cocobeks @WendyHunter

  • maf34100
    maf34100 Posts: 57,948

    1.       3661sec=01:01:01hours and the date is 01/01/01

    2.      Born December 31 and had the discussion January 17, 2022

    3.      60sec

    4.      Move first letter at the end of each word and read them from right to left

  • bullfrog3695
    bullfrog3695 Posts: 6

    Level 2

    Im absolutely addicted to this game

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