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Hi @johamilton, some numerous of words I have found out.
Accent, Ace, Acetic, Acetone, Acetonic, Ache, Achiote, Acre, Acorn, Act, Action, Actor, Adorn, Aeon, Aerial, Aero, Afire, After, Aide, Ail, Air, Ale, Alien, All, Allee, Alliance, Allot, Allow, Allowance, Aloe, Alone, Alt, Altar, Alter, Alto, Anarchic, Anechoic, Anew, Another, Ant, Ante, Anthill, Anti, Antic, Antiwar, Antiwear, Arcane, Arch, Archaic, Archer, Arctic, Area, Arena, Arnel, Arnica, Art, Article, Artifact, Athlete, Athletic, Attach, Attain, Awhile, Awe, Cache, Cachet, Cafe, Calcine, Calcite, Caleche, Caliche, Call, Caller, Calico, Callow, Calorie, Can, Canal, Cancel, Cane, Canoe, Canter, Canticle, Car, Care, Carnallite, Cart, Cartwheel, Cat, Catatonic, Catch, Catechol, Cater, Cathartic, Catholic, Catholicate, Cation, Celiac, Cell, Cello, Cent, Center, Central, Centre, Centric, Chain, Chair, Chalet, Chalice, Chalot, Chance, Chancel, Chancellor, Chant, Chanter, Chaotic, Char, Charcoal, Chart, Chat, Chatline, Cheat, Cheater, Cheetah, Chef, Chelation, Chenille, Chew, Chia, Chicle, Chill, Chinch, Chit, Chlorine, Choice, Cholla, Chore, Chow, Chronic, Chronicle, Cine, Circa, Circle, Cite, Citronella, Clan, Claw, Clean, Cleaner, Clear, Clench, Client, Clinch, Clincher, Cline, Cloche, Clone, Cloth, Clothe, Clown, Coach, Coal, Coat, Coate, Cochineal, Cochlea, Cochleate, Coerce, Coil, Coin, Cola, Collar, Collect, Colleen, Colt, Con, Conceal, Concealer, Conceit, Concert, Conch, Conchie, Concrete, Cone, Conic, Conical, Confer, Confetti, Conflict, Contact, Contract, Control, Core, Corn, Cornice, Corniche, Cow, Craw, Crawl, Crow, Crown, Craft, Crane, Create, Croc, Crochet, Crotch, Each, Ear, Earn, Earth, Earthen, Eat, Eaten, Eater, Echelon, Echo, Echoic, Eclair, Eclectic, Eel, Either, Elate, Elation, Elect, Election, Electric, Electrical, Electro, Electronic, Elenchi, Elenctic, Elf, Elite, Enact, Encore, Enforce, Enter, Entire, Entitle, Eolith, Eon, Era, Ere, Erect, Eta, Etch, Eternal, Ethic, Ethical, Ethnic, Ethnical, Ewe, Face, Fact, Faction, Factional, Fail, Fair, Faint, Fall, Fan, Fare, Fart, Fat, Fate, Fear, Feat, Feather, Feel, Fell, Fellow, Fence, Fetch, Fin, Finch, Fir, Fire, Fill, Fillet, Filter, Fit, Flail, Flair, Flan, Flare, Flat, Flatten, Flaw, Flee, Fleet, Fletch, Fletcher, Flew, Flinch, Flirt, Flit, Floral, Flow, Flower, Foe, Font, Follow, For, Force, Fore, Fort, Forte, Forth, Fractal, Fraction, Fractional, Free, Fret, Frill, Front, Frontline, Hail, Hair, Hale, Hall, Hallow, Halo, Halocline, Halt, Hare, Harlot, Hat, HatchΒ Hatchel, Hatchet, Hate, Hater, Heal, Health, Heart, Heat, Heathen, Heather, Hectic, Hectical, Hector, Heir, Hell, Hellcat, Hellenic, Hellfire, Hellion, Hello, Hen, Hence, Here, Hetero, Hill, Hit, Hitch, Hoe, Hole, Holier, Holler, Hone, Horchata, Horn, Hornet, Hot, Hotch, Hotel, Hotline, How, Ice, Icon, Inch, Inchoate, Infect, Infer, Inflate, Inflator, Inflect, Info, Inhale, Inlet, Intact, Interact, Into, Ion, Iota, Iron, Itch, Laccolith, Lace, Lacerate, Laceration, Laconic, Lactic, Lance, Lancelet, Lancer, Lancet, Lane, Latch, Late, Later, Law, Lawn, Leach, Lean, Learn, Leather, Lectin, Lection, Leech, Leer, Left, Let, Lethal, Letter, Lewt, Liar, Lice, Licence, Licht, Lie, Lier, Life, Lift, Lilac, Line, Linear, Lintel, Lit, Lite, Liter, Literal, Literate, Litho, Litter, Little, Lion, Loan, Loathe, Local, Location, Lone, Loner, Lore, Lot, Low, Lower, Nacelle, Nacho, Nah, Nail, Neither, New, Neolith, Nice, Nicer, Niche, Niece, Niello, Nine, Noah, Noel, Nor, North, Not, Notch, Note, Notice, Now, Nowhere, Oar, Oat, Oath, Ocean, Oceanic, Ocellate, Ocher, Ochre, Octal, Octane, Oil, Once, One, Orc, Ore, Other, Owe, Owl, Own, Owner, Race, Raft, Rafting, Rail, Rain, Rainfall, Ran, Ranch, Rant, Rat, Ratchet, Rate, Rate, Ratio, Rational, Raw, Reach, React, Reaction, Real, Recon, Reconcile, Ref, Reflect, Reflection, Relate, Relation, Relic, Renew, Renin, Rent, Retail, Retain, Rhino, Rice, Rich, Ricochet, Ride, Rife, Rifle, Rind, Roan, Roll, Rot, Rotate, Rotten, Row, Taco, Tact, Tactic, Tactical, Tail, Tailor, Taint, Tailwheel, Tale, Talent, Tall, Taller, Tallow, Talon, Tare, Tea, Teach, Teacher, Teal, Tear, Tech, Technic, Technical, Teen, Teeth, Ten, Tent, Tenth, Tetra, Than, That, Thaw, Theater, Theatre, There, Thin, Thirteen, Thirteenth, Thorn, Threat, Threaten, Three, Thwart, Trench, Thrice, Thrill, Throat, Throw, Thrown, Tiara, Tie, Tier, Til, Tile, Till, Tin, Tire, Titan, Title, Toe, Toenail, Toil, Toilet, Tolerance, Tolerate, Toll, Ton, Tone, Tonic, Torch, Tore, Torn, Tortilla, Total, Tow, Towel, Tower, Towline, Town, Trail, Train, Trainee, Trait, Trance, Tranche, Treat, Triathlon, Trial, Trio, Troll, Trowel, Twentieth, Twice, Twin, Twine, Twirl, Two, Wait, Waiter, Wall, Wallet, Want, War, Watch, Watcher, Water, Waterfall, Watt, Weal, Wealth, Weather, Well, Wench, Went, Were, Werewolf, Wet, Whale, Wharf, What, Wheal, Wheat, Whee, Wheel, Wheelchair, When, Where, Whether, Whew, Which, While, Whine, Whirl, Whit, White, Whiten, Whiter, Whitleather, Whitlow, Whitewall, Whitewater, Who, Whoa, Wiener, Wile, Will, Willet, Wilt, Win, Wine, Wit, With, Woah, Wolf, Worn, Worth, Worthwhile, Wow, Wraith, Wrath, Wreath, Wrench, Wretch, Writ, Write, Writhe, Writhen, Written, Wrote
If I need more, but you love them! π
Thanks for the suggestion @BuffaloGal57 π
So very glad you are enjoying creating new words.
π€£π€£π€£ Guess we used Scrabble Word Find. Good job π
@johamilton, I didn't find much. I can deliver the few words more in my language, in a foreign language it is difficult.
Halloween, New, Witch, Craft, Follow, Allow, Fellow, Wall, Low, Fall, Row, Twin π€·ββοΈ
That is awesome. Great job. This is just something fun, so I appreciate you joining in π€
Here are my words so many can be found
Words from Halloween-lane, halo, ween, hall, low, hello, awheel, enwall, hallow, weanel, allow, alone, alle, haolo, newel, whale, wheel, when, whole, aloe, awol, ale, lane, lawn, law, hole, howl, low, wall, well, ween, when, all, eew, won, who, own,woe,
Words from witchcraft
artic,tactic,thrift,twitch,thwart,tic-tac,catch, chair, chart, craft, faith,firth, trait,watch,wharf,witch,wraft,arch,cart,chat,chair,hair,fact,fair,hart,itch,raft,rich,tart, that,thaw,tact,wart,what,with,act,fat,arc,arch,art,hat,fit,
Thanks for joining @michele020180
@johamilton Hey, I really enjoyed this type of contestπ€ Here are my words...‡οΈ
HI @Bellamy32 , glad you like it and thank to Β @BuffaloGal57Β for suggesting it π