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@PrettyBubbles @johamilton @Stella_1 can you tell me if I can win every level of Bubble Witch Saga 3 with no boosters, no hats, no cats, no golden bars, and no firecharms?


  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,336

    Hi my friend I wouldn't know the answer as it would depend on how well you play 💓

  • Stella_1
    Stella_1 Posts: 534

    @PrettyBubbles @johamilton

    @matteo_90 @DiamondLim @trishbanda @MiladyR

    Appreciate the question.

    Under the rules of engagement listed by @matteo_90 above, you can do this feat on the first 25 levels. However, this can be accomplished with one gold hat in reserve and ready to receive the second gold hat on the current levels you are playing without using boosters, cats, gold bars, and firecharms. In my quests for all white stars, I have won some individual levels using this method many, many times. Outside of that, Level 1075, level 1076 and Level 1864 can be completed blasting bubbles only with what is given at the begining of the game. It is easier to accomplish this feat on a PC rather than on a moble phone as you have a bigger field view of your game play.

    That's why when I play "Wake up the tree," I always go back to the first 6 levels since most of the challenges can be accomplished on those levels. Also, playing Levels 1075, 1076, 1089 and 1864 to advance to brown, and blue hats helps a lot.

    I can earn a gold hat from scratch in 7 minutes flat using this strategy.


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