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Why am I back to Chapter 1

Dana-13 Posts: 26

Level 3

I've been playing this game for quite some time and I'm normally waiting for new levels to arrive. I only play on my computer (not on my cell nor on Facebook)and I spend $$ every week towards this game. It has been a great go to when I just want to relax. Today however, I logged into my game and I immediately received a pop up stating I had to read updated terms & conditions and privacy. When I hit the Accept button it then went to the game....BUT... I'm back at Chapter 1!!!! My profile is gone. Everything I earned is gone. Why??? I am so angry and beyond frustrated...

Am I going to be able to find my profile again? My last level? Everything I've earned? I apologize but I am so pissed. Can some help me, explain to me why this happened? Please>



  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,345

    Hi @Dana-13 Sorry to hear that 😔 there could be a couple of reasons why that has happened one is flash has come to an end and the best platform to use is windows 10 or king.

    If you can be sure you saved your progress then all you have to do is play a level then close the game and turn your device off and on this will reset your levels. Let's try this first. Please write @ then my name and select it from the drop down that appears so it turns black that way I will be notified.

    As you are new here is some useful information for you

    Let me take you on a tour 👫 We will start with the discussion area 📃 Then why not select your game forum 🕹where you will be able to post game specific questions and join contests

    Bubble witch 3 players can head straight HERE 🤹‍♀️🤹‍♂️

    Finally here and here will tell you everything about moving around the community 👀

    A tip for you if you want to tag a specific person, type @ then start typing the name, select the name from drop down and it will then turn black. They then will be notified.

    Happy gaming and have a starlistic day 🌟🙂

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,836

    Hi @Dana-13, any luck getting your game progress back? Did you use Facebook or King account to back up your game?

  • Dana-13
    Dana-13 Posts: 26

    Level 3

    Good Morning Ladies,

    I do play on Windows laptop is only a few years old. I did save my progress on King but not sure when. I will try your suggestion and see what happens tonight after work.

    My apologizes if I came across snarky...I am just extremely frustrated. Thank you for the's most appreciated.

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,345

    Hi @Dana-13 no need to apologise we understand how frustrating it can be when things go wrong but rest assured we will always try to help the best we can. As I can see our magical @QueenB CM has joined I will leave you in her capable hands.

    Good luck and have a starlistic day 🌟🌟🙏

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,836

    Just like @KimElston said, we're here for you if you need us 😉

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