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🛠 Known issue! Can't send nor receive lives!



  • Kryska_Hjulström
    Kryska_Hjulström Posts: 13

    Level 2

    I can´t send nor recieve lives after the last update BW2 on my mac or ipad ??? and yesterday date 5/10-20, “30 of my lifes that i had saved disappears also” 😡😡 i go through FB, this problem has been going on for the last 6 weeks now... What are you’re doing to get my 30 life’s that I saved back, I am quite upset that they just disappeared like that and know one is doing anything about it am I supposed just let you take my life’s that I have been saving to use when I want to 😡😡😡 my iPad and Mac didn’t synchronise anymore which they have always done before. Does anyone know how long this is going to take to repair, it would be great if BW2 could reply or explain what is going on. ☹️😟 or is this king taking over control how we play 😡 no reply from Bw2, an answer would be respectful by the way 😖☹️

  • kidder
    kidder Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Same here!!

  • Rl2
    Rl2 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Am not recieving life's I lost so many lives fix it

  • littleoldladywho
    littleoldladywho Posts: 38

    Level 3

    Consider yourself lucky Woosh, the mini game gave me nothing - certainly not 2 hours of play.

  • Sandrab
    Sandrab Posts: 4

    Level 1

    When do you think you might have the lives problem fixed on BW2? I went from multiple friends and 50+ lives to one friend and no extra lives. I can send the friend lives but I never receive any back. This is very frustrating

  • Mileymoo
    Mileymoo Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Same here I send lives but never get any back. So can't play the game for long on difficult levels.

  • Hi guys please as my previous posts ask remain patient whilst I am awaiting feedback 👍

  • Carms21
    Carms21 Posts: 12

    Level 2

    posting as requested by @KimElston

    Same problem as reported by so many of you.

    No lives, No friends. Play on mobile devices. Have only a king account now.

    Never recieved any free lives for two hours like some of you have reported.

    It's a shame because I love this game. Might need to look at what other games are out there.

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,836

    Recently, we have received reports that some players are having issues when trying to send and receive lives from friends in Bubble Witch Saga.

    Please rest assured that we are hard at work trying to find the source of this issue. We'll get a fix in place as soon as we are able to and functionality will return to normal.

    We apologize for any inconvenience that this has caused. Please be sure to look out for updates to the game and install those updates when they become available.

  • In addition we are also aware of none Facebook related issues like crashing freezing and messages not appearing all these are complex issues and no fix date can be given.

    We know its not the update you wanted to here and we are sorry for this and once again we thank you for your patience

This discussion has been closed.

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