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What happened to the free booster to start a game and 3 free bubbles at end of game?

TotoAml Posts: 17

Level 2

For a couple of days now I have not been given the opportunity to start a game with a free booster? It required viewing an ad but that isn’t happening now. I know it wasn’t on every attempt but it hasn’t come up at all .

also at the end of a fame if you hadn’t won, you could get 3 extra bubbles by watching an ad, this has also gone away. Again it wasn’t every game but for several in a row and then it would disappear for a while, but would come back after a few games. It hasn’t showed up in more than 2 days.


  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,252

    Hi @TotoAml Unfortunately any special feature can come and go at anytime we are not guaranteed to receive them permanently as the studio will shuffle features around.

    Hopefully those features will return but its not an error to loose any feature.👍

  • MthrOfPearl
    MthrOfPearl Posts: 8

    Level 2

    I also lost these features. Keeping my fingers crossed that they!ll return.

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