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  • Hi @MiladyR you are already on the tagging list 👍⭐

  • MiladyR
    MiladyR Posts: 10,740
  • My current level to complete my entry is

    Now I can get my loyalty badge whoop whoop 💓

  • That's ok @MiladyR glad you made it 👍⭐

  • BQN537
    BQN537 Posts: 25,876

    Hi @PrettyBubbles

    Question 1 , I will be playing BW3 over the holidays 😀

    Question 2 I will be spending time with my family .

    Question 3 My current level is 308


  • EOTheGr8
    EOTheGr8 Posts: 3,679


    ”Will you be joining the BW3 family for the holidays?” Yes!

    “Have you got any exciting plans?” I’m just gonna spend time with my family just like every year!

    Here are my screenshots:

    Level 1:

    My current level (level 53):

  • KCullen127
    KCullen127 Posts: 6,705

    Will you be joining them over the holidays❓ Of course, I will spend time with Stella and her friends during the holidays.

    Have you got any exciting plans❓ Spending time with family is the best time for me.

    Level 1

    Current level

  • Lemurtek
    Lemurtek Posts: 2,079

    Hi @PrettyBubbles and @johamilton (nice pic!) To answer the quesations:

    She asks, will you be joining them over the holidays

    Why Are they coming apart? 😈 If by them you mean Stella and Company, then yes, I'll be hanging out with the Bubble Witch Family. Since my evil Experiment for @johamilton 's jingle Bell Dash ended in Epic, Monumental, Soul Crushing Dismal Hard failure, I will just play some nice non-stressful regular levels, with no Head Exploding maths or Wand exploding Spells..On the other hand, ever since @DaniTheOG (If I recall correctly) mentioned going back to replay levels to get three stars on every level (thanks for that Inception style Idea worm) 😑 I'll never be happy till I try this as well. So, Um, Yay.

    Have you got any exciting plans

    Define exciting... After being visited by the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, I see that I will be fighting with my infernal Furnace, (again), I will be (still) cleaning up my Exploding Birthday Brownies (I sure have a lot of exploding going on lately!) from my Oven so I can Roast a Turkey on Christmas Day, which will drive my cats completely boffo (Whoops, that is a short trip!) . And I will be home, reading, Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol and then watching all the Christmas Carol movies, and especially "The Muppet Christmas Carol" also "It's a Wonderful Life" I know.. how much excitement can one Lemur take? You would think a visit from the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come would be more instructive, perhaps even life altering! But oh well...

    Anyway, My screenshot of Level 1:

    and my current Level, Level 4583. From which level I emerge, a sadder, but not particularly wiser Bubble Witch 3 Player. 😥

    And may I wish Stella, and everybody else a safe and happy holiday season!

  • Wow @Lemurtek I am tired just reading your plans what a busy holiday you will have 👍⭐

  • 1. Yes I spend I love stella

    2. I fish for the whole CHRISTMAS holiday

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