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Do you have the Wedding event? Share your Feedback!



  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,345

    Lol @Lemurtek Not much gets past you in this game πŸ‘β­

  • DU123
    DU123 Posts: 519

    Noooooooooooooooo, i've just been 'invited' to that awful wedding event AGAIN! I only completed it on the 11th of this month, why on earth have i got it again? 😭

    Any idea what's going on @PrettyBubbles ?

  • DU123
    DU123 Posts: 519

    There's obviously some sort of problem within the game. I had no choice but to enter the 'event', but as soon as i did it sped up through the whole thing right until the end where it says congratulations, and i got out of it straight away. Very odd.

  • MossyTreeSprite
    MossyTreeSprite Posts: 10

    Level 2

    I agree that it was really frustrating to have to "choose" to enter the wedding event (let's be honest, there was no choice). I didn't have a major problem with the event itself - it was fine (ish). What drove me crazy was that it eliminated the ability to earn gold tickets for hard levels. I rely on those boosters for playing levels. I didn't get why all the other functions were available but no tickets? I should have earned at least 8 tickets when I was stuck there. Sure, there are a few small prizes in the wedding event, but I can't use fairy dust to play levels.

    I also kept getting kicked back into the wedding even after I finally finished it and it wasted my cat booster time on all the dialog again and again. I couldn't even get out of the wedding by doing a hard stop - the game would open up to the wedding regardless of what I tried to do to escape it. I just didn't really enjoy it much for all of these reasons.

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,345

    Hi @DU123 Yes for some reason until its timed out it keeps popping up

    But you don't have to re play it πŸ‘β­

  • PrettyBubbles
    PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,345

    Hi @MossyTreeSprite Thanks for you're feedback

    Let's hope the studio can work there magic to make it more user friendly next time πŸ‘β­

  • naturegal
    naturegal Posts: 13

    Level 2


    I quite enjoyed the wedding event and I finished it aswell but I feel it was too short.

    And it would have been nice if one could have stayed on the island a little longer and explored a bit more even though the wedding was over

    I would love to have an adventure event like that again. Was really fun and different

  • DU123
    DU123 Posts: 519

    Too short 😱

    It took me ages to get out of it, nearly 50 levels in fact 😭

  • DU123
    DU123 Posts: 519

    The thing is @PrettyBubbles i still had to enter the event again, you have no choice but to click on enter. Once in it just takes you to the wedding, makes you cast a spell, then says congratulations and you're able to exit.

    It's annoying more than anything, especially as i thought i was going to have to replay the whole thing again, which i really didn't want to do.

  • ddgarringer
    ddgarringer Posts: 711

    I finished it tooπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ˜Š. Well done with game β€œ I enjoy it”

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