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@trishbanda Let's see if this response gets to you. The best Star Cat to use is Leo when you have the spare gold hat coming up. That way for the Level you are working on you get the maximum number of points, so use the 1st gold hat first thing. Also, since you'll have between 22-24 minutes left and you have not used the second gold hat yo can log off and back in and repeat the process with time to spare to get past the next Level. If you are quick enough and have between 9-10 minutes left you can even get a third Level in. Not back for no cost and very minimum booster usage. Good luck and Congratulations to you and your Team on the contest. Well done!
Good morning @trishbanda,
@johamilton or @PrettyBubbles can help. You will just need a screen shot of both games on BW2 and BW3, (where you are at with your boosters), and they should be able to transfer your boosters to your new device. Had this problem with my iPhone about a year ago and we had it all sorted out in less than a day.
Hope this helps and have a Stellar Day!
Hi @trishbanda , sorry you are having this problem. Here is a thread that will give you information regarding your sync problem. 👉️Syncing Devices . Hope this helps 🤗
Thanks @Stella_1 for the tag💕
Hi @trishbanda I was told in response to an inquiry that the transfer of boosters to iPhones only works if you back up your level and boosters in iCloud before installing your games on a new device (the new device must be an iPhone). It doesn't work on Android devices. The only exception: Blossom Blast Sage. This game syncs all boosters and saves on King servers (this is a test and not valid for other games).
If you're not using an iPhone (old and new), use up your boosters on the old device for new levels and play the daily challenges on your new device and pick up the daily reward there (for BWS3).
It works in a similar way to a messenger service (I'm not allowed to mention the name, but I'm sure you know what I mean).
oh man took me forever to put post together I have an Android tablet 😥 and is backed up in the iCloud or wherever it goes. any way we can ask if they can get off King's server please? I have so many boosters….I am a long time loyal player and have spent a LOT of money on the game thank you
Hi @trishbanda if you have an Android device, the only option left for you is to use up your boosters on the old device and pick up boosters from your new device. Right now, you can do that in the team leagues and Wake the Tree. Unfortunately, I can't give you any other tip. I also use Android devices and am sad that boosters are not transferred.
Have a nice day. 🌺