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BW3S Trail Blazers - The Best Place for BW3S Strategy and Game Play



  • johamilton
    johamilton Posts: 27,568

    You have been added. Really I thought you were already on it. So glad you caught that 🤗

  • trishbanda
    trishbanda Posts: 3,146

    Thank you!!!!

  • trishbanda
    trishbanda Posts: 3,146

    So glad I caught that too! Have been saving my boosters and will be able to crush it!

  • trishbanda
    trishbanda Posts: 3,146

    Hi @Stella_1

    I have never tried the "hat trick" to have a second hat in reserve. I have reread your instructions and am not sure I totally understand? I want to be a good team member for the upcoming tournament!

  • Stella_1
    Stella_1 Posts: 518

    Hello trishbanda.

    The "hat trick is a pretty good one. It is where you already have a "Gold Hat" in reserve and then go on to almost earn another "Gold Hat". That way when you get to a tough level you can play other levels to get to the point where you have a "Blue Hat" and are about to reach another "Gold Hat". At that point go to your hard level, get Star cat Leo's multiplier, and launch your first "Gold Hat" to collect the multiplied points. You should then have the maximum number of points needed to obtain the three white stars for completing the level and continue playing. About halfway up you will earn another "Gold Hat". Use that second "Gold Hat" only when you absolutely need too.

    I find that if you can keep the second "Gold Hat" after completing that level, you can restart the game and still have enough time left on Leo's point multiplier to get to the same point again for a second time. That way you can clear two levels without having to use any boosters. It's a great way to make game progress and not get frustrated at levels that are more difficult. I use that method everyday and just cleared Card 418 Level 8430 this morning. Now collecting boosters playing "Wake up the Tree" for the new Card release on Tuesday.

    Hope this helps you in your game play. Good luck and keep crushing it!

  • Stella_1
    Stella_1 Posts: 518

    trishbanda my post below from last year actually explains an easy way to do the "hat trick" if you are past Level 1076

    Stella_1 Posts: 210 Level 3

    April 2023

    • You can actually clear two levels a day without having spend too much money. This works best after completing Level 1076 of Chapter 55.
    • Here's how to do it after completing Level 1076
    1. Have a Gold Hat in reserve.
    2. By completing Level 1076 of Chapter 55, (you can do this in 8 moves or less) and earning your Brown Hat immediately go to Chapter 1, Level 1 and play until you are within rage of earning a Blue Hat. Can take 3-4 times. Always take out the blue, yellow and red bubbles at the top and you will clear the level quickly.
    3. Immediately go back to Level 1076 and earn the Blue Hat, then go back to Chapter 1 Level 1 and play until you are close to earning the Gold Hat. Usually 4 times. Again, take out the blue, yellow and red bubbles at the top and you will clear the level quickly.
    4. Hit the picture frame at the bottom of the screen (middle button) and then the yellow arrow. It will instantly take you to where you previous left off in your game.
    5. Purchase Leo's 10x Star bubbles for 50 stardust and start playing by using the Gold Hat first.
    6. On the lower Chapter games you will easily clear most levels without use of gold bars or boosters.
    7. Once the Level is cleared. Immediately logout and log back in. You will still have access to Leo's 10x bubbles for about 24-21 minutes.
    8. Go to Chapter 55 Level 1076 and earn another Brown Hat and then go to Chapter 1 Level 1 and repeat the process outlines in steps 2-4. You will have 6-9 minutes left to clear the next level.
    9. Note, sometimes you will earn an additional Gold Hat which you may not have to use until the next Level or you may need the new Gold hat to finish the current Level.
    10. If you use both Gold Hats, you can always logout and log back in to earn another Gold Hat. Know that by using this method you will not burn up any lives.
    11. Either way, you can clear up to 2 Levels every 4 hours after Leo's 10x recovers.
    12. Enjoy and hope this helps you further your game through Stella's world.

  • trishbanda
    trishbanda Posts: 3,146

    Hi @Stella_1

    Thanks for the step by step instructions. A lot of jumping around, but I am sure it will become second nature in no time. I have a hat so I can try the method next time I play. I am currently obsessed with BW2 and am spending way too much playing that game! Thanks again.

  • Stella_1
    Stella_1 Posts: 518

    My pleasure. Yes, it is a lot of jumping around trishbanda, but it does become second nature after awhile. The satisfaction is that you conquer difficult levels a lot easier. Good Luck!

  • Stella_1
    Stella_1 Posts: 518

    Good morning trishbanda

    Since we have a contest coming up tomorrow just passing on some tips that may help, whether we are on a Team together or not.

    "Wake up the Tree" helps:

    For Arcane Bubble play Card 1 Level 4

    For bouncing the bubbles off the side play Card 1 Level 2. Clear to the top as quickly as possible and then just bounce the bubbles off the sides. In two passes you can get 60 bounces. Note that if Stella has a Blue Hat, you have to add build off of the bubbles below the start line and work your way down. When she fire off her wand after five hits, you'll still be able to get 30 bounces each time you play.

    For Yellow Bubbles Play Card 1 Level 6

    For destroying bubbles with the orb play Card 1 Level 6. You can take out 60 bubbles with one pass.

    For dropping bubbles play Card 4 Level 49. Unlimited Magic Blasts.

    For getting Billy the Ghost up to the top play Card 4 Level 49. Be sure to use the red bubbles after clearing the first stack of bubbles. Shoot the Magic Beam on the right side to start then work your way up. you can reach a maximum of 81 clearing your path up. Always shoot the bubble beam to the sides or up the middle to get the 81 maximum number. Three plays get you to 200, five plays to 400 and eight plays to 600.

    For Red Bubbles play Card 55 Level 1076

    For Green Bubbles play Card 55 Level 1075

    For Black Bubbles play Card 56 Level 1089

    For Blue Bubbles play Card 95 Level 1864

    For Owls play Card 133 Level 3634

    The rest of the challenges just burn up your time so don't bother playing them. Using this strategy you can almost always get a minimum of 2 Shooting Stars (1) hr. of lives earned, 2 Sparkling Blasts (1) hr. of lives earned, 2 Stereo Bolts (3) hrs. of lives earned, or 1 Magic Beam (3) hrs. of lives earned.

    Unlimited Sparkling Blasts Card 3, Level 34, Unlimited Bubble Beams Card 4 Level 49, Unlimited Shooting Star Card 5 Level 73, and Card 6 Level 93 Unlimited Rainbow Rush, can also help out.

    While skipping around can be maddening at times, once you get it down you can really rack up some boosters to help you through the game.

    Have a Stellar Day.

  • trishbanda
    trishbanda Posts: 3,146

    Hi-Hi-when I put in @Stella_

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