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We want to know what you think about the Pot of Gold!



  • QueenMia
    QueenMia Posts: 12,972
    Hey guys,

    How is it going?
    The second phase of the Pot of Gold just started a few minutes ago, so you should see a pop up next time you open the game - That is if you have qualified of course ;) Oh and make sure you have the latest version of the game for it to work! 

    Let us know how you're doing in the contest! Good luck :star: 
  • phi1ar
    phi1ar Posts: 156

    I just finished.

    how may gold bars do I get? and when?

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,416
    @QueenMia said if you haven't seen the original pop up if you send your game ID to her, she can check it for you, but also make sure your game has the latest updated version :)
  • cfisher6383
    cfisher6383 Posts: 51

    Level 3

    I'm not sure if anyone can help me with this or not but I'm playing in the pot of gold event however I am not able to earn points for my team as I have already completed every level so I can't get points for beating a level, completing a chapter or beating a hard level since there are none left for me. All I can do is play everyday. I feel bad because I have no way of communicating with the members of my team to explain why I'm not able to help. I know I'm not the only person who has this problem. What are the people who have beaten every level supposed to do? How are we supposed to earn points? It's a great concept but not for anyone who has beaten every level. We can only earn points playing every day for what 6 days? So we can only contribute 6 points?? How is the prize split up then? Is it based on how many points you earn individually? If so, there are a lot of us who have no chance at winning any prize. It's not really fair. I've been playing for a while and I've purchased gold bars and packages, etc to help beat the levels only to be pretty much screwed in a special event with a prize of gold bars that I can't even participate in. Any one else having this problem?? 
  • michael9563
    michael9563 Posts: 51

    Level 3

    First 4 levels where too easy without booster level 5 was impossible to do without using booster but done it just waiting to see how much gold you win. Why where people who did not get the golden ticket get to play thought you had to have the golden ticket to enter the game?.
  • phi1ar
    phi1ar Posts: 156

    pod of gold event ended today

    but, I got no reward yet.

    is it takes some time?

  • Sujudeep
    Sujudeep Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Pot of gold ended but I didn't get my reward even after the completion of the event :(
  • Sujudeep
    Sujudeep Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Level 5 was a tough one but made it. But I didnt get my share of gold bars even after the completion of the event :(
  • Sujudeep
    Sujudeep Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Me too :(
    I didnt get my share of gold bars even after the event completion. 
  • kaiser1618
    kaiser1618 Posts: 268
    Didn't receive anything either :(

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