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Our Studio need your feedback on your experience with the game animations!

QueenMia Posts: 12,972
edited August 2019 in Discussions
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Hello Witches  🌟

It's a no brainer that it's hard to create magic without happy players! Community is a great place for players to get together and discuss the game they love. But it's also the perfect place to give direct feedback! 

Our game studio is burning to know your take on this question: 

Picture this: You're in the middle of your game play... You launch one bubble, BOOM! Now right after letting your bubble go, many things can happen: you might see ghosts, frogs and charms flying around.

Now, here's the question: Is there anything disturbing or at the contrary that you enjoy seeing between 2 bubble shots?

Do you think the game is too slow and would rather be able to shoot faster? For instance, what do you think of the frogs jumping around the bubbles, the ghost looking for a path, etc... Do you enjoy the animations or do you think there might be too many? We want to know it all!

Our Studio wants to make sure that the game experience remains the best for you, at any time of the game. As you progress in the World of Stella, levels become more complex and filled with blockers and helpers. That can make the experience slower as there can be a longer time between 2 consecutive shots.

By sharing your feelings on the game with us, our Studio will be able to take your feedback in and make sure top provide the best experience in your game!

5 players who leave insightful feedback will be picked and receive 10 Gold bars each! So don't wait any longer, leave your comment below!

Your feedback is greatly appreciated - Help us help you! 

Have a Bubbliffic day! 



  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,394
    edited July 2019
    Hey  I like to get on and play, I don't have patience for animations I have to be honest. But that is just me.
    I don't mind watching the ghost finding his way and I can even put up with the frogs although they take so long to move. The most impatient part is the very beginning, especially if you use a star cat. You have to wait for the cauldron to fill. You have to wait for the extra bubbles to be added. You have to wait while Stella tells you how to complete the level first try. I just want to get on with it and if you play a lot, surely you don't need to be told about the golden pin every time? Tapping the screen only speeds it up very slightly.
    I do like all the popping though :) 
  • mysticalmysty
    mysticalmysty Posts: 30,461
    Good morning @QueenMia I’m not sure if I like the idea to adding some distractions while trying to figure out which the next bubble to shoot 🤔 but whatever the decision is I’ll be still playing BW3 🤗
  • QueenMia
    QueenMia Posts: 12,972
    Hey @Chicken_Slayer@mysticalmysty, thanks for taking the time to answer 🤗

    Our Studio wants to make sure that the game experience remains the best for players, at any time of the game. In the case of advanced players for example, levels become more complex and full of blockers/helpers and extras (like fairies, orb, etc). That can make the experience slower as there can be a longer time between 2 consecutive shots.

    That's why they are looking for feedback about your experience while playing. Is there anything disturbing or at the contrary that you enjoy seeing between 2 bubble shots? Do you think the game is too slow and would rather be able to shoot faster? For instance, what do you think of the frogs jumping around the bubbles, the ghost looking for a path, etc... Do you enjoy the animations or do you think there might be too many?

    I realised the way the question is asked is not self-explanatory, so I'll edit the main thread. Thanks a lot 🍒
  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,394
    @QueenMia the frog animation is way too slow. You have to wait for them to jump, wait for the bubble to freeze or cloud over. I don't mind the fairies popping bubble they are cute :) 
  • mysticalmysty
    mysticalmysty Posts: 30,461
    edited July 2019
    Honestly, I’m fine with the main game, and all the animations however the in game events I found it hard to achieve, perhaps the studio will make all the events a lot easier 😆
  • sakura
    sakura Posts: 165
    personally, i enjoy the animations! i think they are very charming because they make the game unique. there are a few other bubble shooter games in the app store, but i love bubble witch 3 the most <3. all the characters add a little magic to the experience. i guess the speed of the frogs, the ghosts, etc don't matter to me because i usually take a pause to determine my next move anyway.

    when i play on my phone, the animations don't take very long. i did notice that on my older devices (tablets, windows 10 laptop) it can feel a bit slower to get everything to load. sometimes these devices freeze during the animations. so i guess i wouldn't mind if some of the animation times were shortened. but i'd also be fine if they weren't. ^__^ maybe add an option to adjust animation times for players?

    thank you for taking feedback! i appreciate all the work the studio puts in.
  • SammieSweetheart1994
    SammieSweetheart1994 Posts: 16

    Level 2

    I flippin love the animations. Animations are EVERYTHING. Everytime I've deleted a game off my phone it was because the animations were wack.. if you think about it, that's why they come out with new game systems every year. More & better animations. The animations just from BubbleWitch2 have gotten so much better! (:  
  • SarLou
    SarLou Posts: 55

    Level 3

    I have no issue with the amount of time the frogs/fairies etc take to complete their maneuvors but the magic hat takes soooooooo long. Every time I collect one I triy to fire off my next shot and it goes nowhere because the hat is still being loaded. I get that it's a special item (please don't take it away!) But maybe a firework or something instead of the very long time it takes for it to finish.
  • Puppe
    Puppe Posts: 17

    Level 2

    edited July 2019
    Me encanta el juego y me encantan todas las animaciones, pero si me gustaría que fuera mas rápido al disparar burbujas, al cambiar de nivel o de puerta. Y algo que definitivamente me molesta es que te deja varado en un nivel y puedes pasar días intentándolo y simplemente es imposible pasarlo  :(  y después como por arte de magia, las adas te ayudan y terminas hasta con 3 estrellas, claro esto está super, lo que no está padre es quedarte tantos días en el mismo nivel sin oportunidad. 

    (EDIT: Unsupported Language)
  • MiaChristine
    MiaChristine Posts: 3,328
    I love the animation... I’m still pretty new with the game so I’m not quite sure what I’m doing most of the time. But I’m having fun either way 😊 so I’m going say for me no problems. 👍🏼

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?