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Three dont-know-how questions, please

1. The pig is full of gold (50 bars) and thus all my stars are being wasted. What am I supposed to do with the gold?

2. Completed until level 60. This means I have 4 tickets for solving difficult levels, but the store cat tells me I need an internet connection to get the special offer. I don't understand, I'm online through home wi-fi, but it says no connection?

3. The "shop" is always closed, ALWAYS, no matter the hour I play. Is there anything I must do to open it?

All help is appreciated, thank you.


  • mysticalmysty
    mysticalmysty Posts: 30,461
    Hi @martina1986grossman About the piggy bank, whenever you see your piggy bank is full already you can start collecting your gold bars that you’ve been saving on by purchasing the new empty piggy bank that will cost you $ 2.99 ( which is not bad for $ 2.99 you’ll  get 50 gold bars ) but also you it’s not mandatory, you can just ignore it if you don’t want. And about Violet shop and WiFi connection issue you might want to try to reconnecting your game to Facebook ( if your game connect to Facebook ), clearing up your cache and browser and make sure you have the latest version of your game or device usually help too 🤗
  • Hello, Mysticalmysty. Thanks for answering =)

    I still don't understand though... What's the sense in getting a bigger piggy bank and stock again gold bars if (correct me if I'm wrong) there's nothing to spend them on? And anyway, I'm not going to spend real money in a game that's supposed to be free.

    I hate Facebook with passion, so no, I'm not going to create an account just for whatever reward this may be. I connected through email, thinking a King profile would help, but apparently did not.

    Also, I play this on my phone, not on the computer. Phone is an brand new android, got it only a couple of weeks ago. Navigator by defect is Chrome, and I would believe is up to the last update? But anyway, I looked up the game store online and it seems like anything that could be there requires real money, is that true? Because if that's the case, I'm not really interested.

  • mysticalmysty
    mysticalmysty Posts: 30,461
    Hello again @martina1986grossman 🤗 there are other ways to earn some gold bars on community for free, by joining the contest, either from our CM or any Superstars, like the one that happening right now by my fellow superstar @firebombmarkus so, make you come and check it out 👍🏻
  • Uh... no, earning gold bars is not the problem. As I've said, I'm full of them. The issue is what to do with them? You told me to get a bigger piggy bank, but for what I'd want a bigger one? Is there anything ELSE you can do with the gold bars? I see no meaning in collecting them if you can't spend them, and yet each level is supposed to give you some... for what???
  • mysticalmysty
    mysticalmysty Posts: 30,461
    @martina1986grossman I’m sorry if I wasn’t clear about how the piggy bank work on our games, so let’s start it from the beginning again. Everytime you beat a level you will earn stars, and for each star you earn you will also win a gold bar toward your piggy bank, and once your piggy bank is full, after you collected 50 gold bars, you can start breaking your piggy bank by purchasing the new piggy bank with your real money for $2.99, normally the price for 50 gold bars on violet shop it cost $4.99 and that’s the only for you to collect all your piggy bank from your saving. If you choose not to spend money, your money bank will remain in real and full at 50 and all the new gold bars that you’ll get from beating  the next level will just bounce. In another word you have the option to just ignoring the piggy bank or keep purchasing the new piggy bank whenever they are full - I hope it make sense to you 🤗
  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,416
    You might also find this link helpful :)

    You use bars for extra moves and boosters. 

    As regards the shop being closed, you would have to check @mysticalmysty but I am pretty sure it was a trial that is now over. It just sounds like it hasn't been removed. Have you checked for updates to the game? I realise your phone is new but sometimes it still needs updating too. You don't have to buy a thing, many players don't :) 
  • mysticalmysty
    mysticalmysty Posts: 30,461
    They did remove Violet Shop... oh darn I didn’t even realize that, thanks @Chicken_Slayer

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