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hi again chicken slayer
Been trying constantly to send a message of help but the captcha security link just states it’s loading but doesn’t send message without it. I’m now at a loss and frustrated. My one game I love to play is back to the beginning and I don’t even know what to do I tried exactly what you said but it’s the captcha that won’t load
please help or advise me
thank you so much for any advice on how I proceed
Oh, bummer :^(
So you guys would be able to restore my game progress even if it has not saved for a very long time now, after I delete and reinstall the game?
how does the process for restoring the progress go, do I have to attach a screenshot alongside my in-game username?
thanks again
@egg123 as far as I am aware, you tell them which level you got to, although if you do have a screenshot, that's helpful, yes they will need a username but they will automatically have you passing every level until the one you have got up to. So you will have a generic score and I think 2* on each but I could be wrong. The best thing to do is email them via the link and they can tell you exactly 😊