Lost my Scroll-back on FHS
A little while ago I found the scroll-back through levels feature on my game, now it's completely vanished. I was hoping to go back and collect a few beans by passing early games with 3 stars, I've only got 179 to my name right now! ☹️ I send them to people, but get zilch back, bar the rare 100.
No Beans at the Inn
I'm up in the higher regions of the game, 3649, but can't play or win challenges because my request for beans/lives have been completely ignored. I'm stuck right now with 484 beans to my name, playing on my laptop, and I won't pay money to buy them. All opportunities to win boosters have had to pass me by, simply because…
Farm Heroes Saga Level 3605 Winning Game Lost
Dear @QueenB I've just played, and won, this game using 3 precious tractors, 2 dogs and spades. Great, 3 stars, and 3 bonus packages. But the game wouldn't close, it even let me play 2 more moves, when I had no moves left, just to see if I could jog-it into closing. No! Now I have to play the game again with very little…
Price of Boosters Using Gold
I've tried the help pages, but there seems to be a technical hitch tonight. Does anyone know how many gold bars I need to use to buy boosters before I start a game? There is no indication as to what they cost, and I have a little gold, but wouldn't pay if a tractor cost 10 or something ridiculous like that, so I'm…
Farm Heroes Game update Lost Me 300 levels
Dear @QueenB , My game has been updated and I've shot back by about 300 games/levels 😥😪 Yesterday morning I posted on 'Win Gold Bars' that I was on game 2986, and now I've been sent back to 2636 after update, and also waiting for new levels! I'm playing on KING It's so sad, I've been trying so hard too. And some games were…
Farm Heroes Saga 2968 Lockdown Hell!!
Dear @QueenB We are in a 12 week lockdown, because I'm shielding my husband, so what better way to pass the time than a game of FHS, nooooooo😥 I have been trying to pass this game for over 3 days, I even let my husband try, not an easy decision! I have spent thousands and thousands of beans, but can't let my 2 'dogs' free…
Farm Heroes Level 2923-Seeds
This level has 6 seeds that need to grow into flowers, 4 are trapped in ice that needs to be broken. The problem is you also need rockets firing off, here's the problem, the rockets knock the seeds out, and no more come onto the playing board, so game-over! I don't mind a challenge, but I do feel aggrieved that I've just…
I started Again!
Well, I got so fed-up with getting no lives or beans on FB, it's impossible to play the higher games without them, so I started the whole damn thing again. I still play on King, but I've had to give up on the Facebook platform, so downloaded the new ap to play a stand-alone game.. It's so funny being told how to collect…
Dear Fellow Honeypot Gatherers-I've got no lives or beans
I'm so sorry my little group but since my Facebook FHS game has been updated (bleurgh) I no longer receiving lives (=beans) from my gaming partner. When we had 'Boostergate', a glitch that gave us unlimited boosters, I took advantage and built-up my bean stock, 30 thousand, wow! Sadly these have dwindled to 3k at the…