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I've tried the help pages, but there seems to be a technical hitch tonight. Does anyone know how many gold bars I need to use to buy boosters before I start a game?
There is no indication as to what they cost, and I have a little gold, but wouldn't pay if a tractor cost 10 or something ridiculous like that, so I'm reluctant to buy any.
I've been on game 3002 for days, and getting nowhere close, and I may have to stoop to buying help just to get past, other than shovels. It's totally stressing me out, I don't mind difficult, but this game is no joke. 😥
Before the start of the lvl, click on the booster that is available n it will show u the price of gold needed ... 3 shovel cost 250 beans provided u don’t have shovel
@Eggcracker This is little difficult for me to explain. But I try and hope you will understand.
The booster you see before you hit the play button are not the booster you normally see in the level. The tractorbooster you see before you hit play button take 3 rows of just crops so don´t know if you have help of that.
To buy boosters you have when you acctually play the level. Tractor, +1 and the dogcolour. Thoose can you only buy when you are in the level and only when you have 0 of the one you want to buy. The showel you can before you hit the play button wiht 250 beans. If you have 0 in the level you buy more whit goldbars.
Now I don´t remember, but I think you can for example buy 3 tractors for 9 or 15 goldbars, not sure wich one.
What you can buy before you hit the play button that might get you help are +5 moves that cost 6 goldbars. And that gives you what it says 5 extra moves. But the thing one never knows for sure if 5 extra moves will help.
Do you play on king.com or a mobile (or facebook).
The first video here are how it should look on levels on king.com the other from playing on mobile. It used both dogcolors and showels.
Now it is possible that your level have been changed since this one played it a month ago. But you can see if you can get tips from it. This player had help from bonnie so he/she had a extra dogcolor. He/she used 4 dogcolur and 1 showel.
@Eggcracker I had written an answer here, but it came up that it will publiced after approval. So that answer I guess you will see sometime tomorrow.
Yes.. I use eans to purchase shovels.. thats how my beans all gone.. now I'm waiting for earning more beans to unlock more new levels..
Hi @stan1981 I buy shovels all the time, but if you let the mouse hover over tractors/extra moves etc it doesn't say what they cost in gold bars, that's what I want to know before I click on them.😊
U click on them and they will tell u, just don’t press buy
It's no good @stan1981 , those boosters would be no help on this game, unless I bought several of each, which I refuse to do.
These games should be doable without paying out real money, and I don't like paying my way through a game, there's no fun in that.
I need about 10 colour catchers/dogs to get the crops needed. I have 2 tractors, 1 dog and a plus 1, and spades of course, I could use the lot and still not get through.
I can get the mushrooms, and half the crops, but playing for 3 days now and no closer.
I think I need to find a new game, but I'm hopeless with games that need quick reactions, FHS is just the pace I like 🙂
Yes, just play for entertainment... btw this is what game is for - pure entertainment ...
@Eggcracker The post I wrote yesterday has been publiced, look futher up. The first you tube film I put in should be the one you have. That one used 3 dog colors and 2 (or 3) showels. You have only 1 dog but you can look on the film and see if you get some tips since you have 2 tractors.
And as I said the boosters that you see before you hit the play button are not the one that you normally see in the levels and don´t think they give you any help in that level.
To buy dog color you can do that in the level while you playing but only when you are out of them (have 0). And then you can (as stan says) click on them then it comes up a popup about how many you can buy and what they cost. You should have 3 option how many you want to buy.
I do agree whit you that the levels should be able to finsish whit just the boosters you get for free. That means just one of each.
Thank you @piaandersson
You have gone to a great deal of hard work for me
I play on my laptop, and I still have the old version of the game, it hasn't been upgraded yet.
I get no challenges or quests, just straightforward play, and to be honest I much prefer it like that.
The game is nice and slow, and I'm not against the clock/timer. The only problem is if you can't pass the level, 3002, you can't play, and I can't find another game I feel comfortable with. Quests and challenges aren't for me, or anything that needs quick decision making, it's taken me a very long time to get to my level, it's such a shame they have made it so hard.
As for parting with my hard-earned money to buy my way out, that's not for me. I just won 30 gold bars, and they could vanish in just one game.