Farm Heroes Saga Screen Has Shrunk on Laptop (Feedback has been shared with the Studio).
I've just logged-on to play a game of Farm Heroes Saga and my playing screen has shrunk, so much so it's almost impossible to play. It looks like a 'mobile' screen.
Farm Heroes Saga Rancid 2631 Impossible
I've been attempting to get through this game for about 2 weeks now, and the closest I've got is still needing 300 crops. The power-up is a waste of time, and my precious beans. What I need is about 20 colour-catchers (dogs) and tractors, but as I'm playing this game on King (old version) the rewards are pathetic. I'm…
Shuffling Making Games End Early!
We all know about shuffling, sometimes it works in our favour, often not. Recently several of the games I've been playing have involved many 'shuffles', sometimes 3 in a row, then for no reason the game closes 'Game Failed', even though I may still have as many as 20 moves still to make. This is so annoying, not only have…
Roadblock Timer/Countdown clock
I hit a roadblock after playing my last game on the Facebook platform, 2575. It was a difficult Rancid, I only got one star, so no key to let me through. Oh well, a 4 day wait is on the cards, as I've only one friend playing the game. This was over 24 hours ago, maybe much longer, I've just checked the countdown clock and…
Farm Heroes Saga 2618 Game Freezing
I've been playing this game on and off all day today, and, usually just when I'm getting somewhere with it, the game freezes. I can't end the game early, the only thing I can do is refresh the page. I'm losing beans on this, and being left with odd shovels. The game I'm playing is the old format, not the 'new' one.
2571 Farm Heroes Saga Rancid
If anyone has completed this game, without paying, I'd appreciate some hints and tips. I've no idea how to tackle it, the most points I've achieved is 50, and that was mainly by whacking them with my *6 spades :o * PS. Just in case you hadn't realised, if you are quick on the draw you can ask for 3, then 3 again, I once…
Level 2563 Farm Heroes Saga
I've been trying to win this game for days, but get nowhere near the 40 mushrooms needed, 30 was my best score. Now they've bloomin' put it up to 60, and I've got no chance. Give me a break please King, I'm not playing it again until it's changed back, there's no point, it's just a bean-eater :(
Farm Heroes Saga 2410
Farm Heroes Saga 2410 is proving impossible, even using a helper and six shovels/spades each time I get no further than 20 rockets. I must have played it 50 times at least. I've tried each helper, and they are each as useless as each other, though the igniter is marginally more helpful. I'm using up thousands of beans that…
Farm Heroes level 2154 Impossible
I've got this far, and accept some games can be challenging, but this game is soul destroying. The best I have done, over days of plodding away, is getting half what I need. Please King, give me a chance to win, cos you're not getting my money, as much as I love you =)