Let us go back to when the first change was made which was switching the game from running on Flash over to HTML5 since Flash will soon no longer be supported.
This is still under testing and the feedback received from this change was that it was too big, too blurry and fuzzy as well as taking too long to load. You can read other player's comments here.
The Studio received the feedback and they've listened and has since then been working on improving the look of the game based on the feedback received.
The changes that you now see, is to improve the graphic so witching to portrait lets you see the better-optimized view and have a better gaming experience.
We'll continue to listen to your feedback, however, for the time being, the layout will stay as it is for now, until they can finish conducting the test.
Thank you again for your constructive feedback and thanks for your patience while this is being tested.
Every day it's something different. Today my Game is a small screen in the middle of my computer screen. How do I get it to Full Screen? It shows this way in both Chrome & Microsoft Edge. I wish I could go back to the original game format.