Hello @jkoo, and welcome to the Internet’s most amazing and sweet community! If you are currently experiencing payment or refund issues, you can find further assistance within the Help Center that can be accessed within the game. Then find the appropriate section of the Help center specifically targeted to your query. To access information regarding payments or purchases, follow these instructions:
1. Open your Candy Crush Friends Saga game, and click the “settings” button in the bottom left corner of your screen.
2. Access the help center in the settings menu by clicking on the blue question mark in the bottom right corner of the menu.
3. Scroll down to the section of the Help Center titled “Purchases and Gold Bars.
4. Click on and read and follow all instructions depicted within one or more of the articles depicted in the graphic below.
I hope this helps you resolve your refunding issue! Have a great rest of your weekend😁🍭