I actually did know that @mysticalmysty, but thanks for sharing anyway! YouTube can truly be a source of indefinite knowledge! And speaking of YouTube, I found out a very interesting fact on YouTube today that is very mysterious, and rather unfortunate. Well, here it goes! The greatest unsolved mystery in aviation history is regarding Malaysian Airlines Flight 370. There are plenty of YouTube videos on it. Anyway, according to various sources, the story goes that the plane was supposed to fly from Kuala Lampur to Beijing, but the flight went off course for reasons unknown, ran out of fuel, and crashed in the Indian Ocean. The exact location of this crash remains unknown. Very fascinating, yet very scary too! Thankfully, you don’t see too many of those things happen. You can read more about here at the link below. https://www.google.com/search?q=malaysia+airlines+flight+370&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS808US808&oq=Maylasian+arlines&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0l3.12105j0j4&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8
It was a tragic history @Joseph45, and until today everything still remain a mystery, except for the debris that they found in Madagascar at the end of 2018, but still not confirmed.
It sure does sound like a sad story @mysticalmysty and @AlejHerrBar2k3. I sure hope nothing like that happens again. Anyway, here is another aviation fact that is much less depressing. The fastest time anyone has flown around the world in a suborbital aircraft is around 32 hours or so. That means, as of right now, no one has been able to make it around the world in under 24 hours. Very interesting!
Snowing weekend here in NYC, hopefully will be the last snow before spring, I don’t mind snow, I just hate the aftermath. But some people do have phobia to the snow and it called ‘ Chionophobia’.