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Level 204, why is Nutcracker busting what I don't need busting?

buggsy51 Posts: 11

Level 2

edited February 2019 in Support
Why is the nutcracker busting what i clearly dont need busting~top right of screen??~


  • KingChewy
    KingChewy Posts: 13,713
    Hi @buggsy51 - I hope you are well. Are you able to take a screenshot of this? I don’t exactly remember the level but I can say that I know the Nutcracker does not always destroy a row at the bottom of the board.

    Sometimes when you are down to the bottom and only need a couple blocks cleared but have a larger section about that still needs to be cleared the help from Nutcracker will go to the fuller area. 

    I hope you have beaten the leaves already but if not good luck and happy crushing 💪🏻
  • buggsy51
    buggsy51 Posts: 11

    Level 2

    I have been on level 206 for over a week~watched vids~still not passing~i am just going to quit this game because its ridiculous~as i am unable to purchase anything to help~bc powerups are needed~
  • KingChewy
    KingChewy Posts: 13,713
    edited March 2019
    Hi @buggsy51 - I’m very sorry to hear you are still frustrated. Rather than quitting sometimes taking a break is good. I know sometimes when I am stuck on a level I will try 5 times for the day and that’s it. The next day I come back again the board will seem friendlier. 

    Either way way I wish you luck with your choice!! 🙏🏻
  • mysticalmysty
    mysticalmysty Posts: 30,460
    edited March 2019
    Hi @buggsy51 In addition to what @Foley1362 just said, you can always finished up your daily quests by playing on any previous levels to earn some boosters :) Never give up and keep on crushin’
  • SeraphicStar
    SeraphicStar Posts: 4,536
    edited March 2019
    Hello @buggsy51 I have been in the exact same situation before. In fact I was stuck in the mid 200s in one section of 20 levels for probably a good week and a half or so. What I did was what @Foley1362 and @mysticalmysty suggested which is to work on daily quests, and build up a bit before attempting it again. However, we cannot force you to keep playing if you don't want to, so best of luck and happy crushing! :3

    P.S. Also try using different friend partners as I've found out the recommended partner doesn't always work out the best. :o

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