Spread the jelly? No, theres a whole game for spreading the jelly. Fill the empty hearts? Idk why i dont really like it. Dunk the cookies? Yes, theres a challange becouse you need to remove all the candy beneath it. Free the octopuses? Yes, pretty hard cuzyou need to remove candy around it. Free the animale? Yes, idk why but i like it. Not that i hate any gamemode, but the one is just better then the other (At least in my opinion).
1) My favorite game mode is Dunk the cookies and using who else but our amazing Nutcracker on this mode. This mode is challenging but seeing cookies fell into chocolate is so yummy and very satisfying at all.
2) Spread the Jam is another cool and I love to use Tiffi and Odus on that mode. Spreading the Jam in whole panel is a very cool and unique mode.
3) Free animals and Octupes are another nice challenges with freeing the animals from ice to be my favorite from those two. (I love to use all the characters on it) .
4) My least favorite is filled up the hearts with Yeti. It's so hard and I lost many lifes from it.