I think we will probably have to take a bus from a parking lot several blocks away, even though I am trying to pre-order the earliest morning showtime, then maybe tailgate in the freezing parking lot. Plus the screaming kids thing means I don't know if we will even know what is going on in the movie until a later rewatch. Ha. But I can't wait. It's totally worth it. 😆🤗 ❄️❤️🐳❄️
Sorry you will have to brave the freezing cold and walk a lot to see the movie (should get you in the spirit of things 😊) @wafercookieflippers but it will definitely be worth it!
Hi guys WE GOT RAIN not enough but hope more is coming @Nat09@wafercookieflippers@Foley1362@bearwithme@mysticalmysty Australia really thanks you all for the amazing rain dances and sorry I’m tearing up 😰😭can’t speak Thank you oh yeah Saturday morning about 5an
Yes even the fire fighters 🧯 were doing happy dances enjoying the sound of rain on the roof enough about that let’s get this part started @wafercookieflippers@Nat09