Hi, I've been visiting my Mum, I wanted to play Candy Crush Soda on her tablet, so I logged in with my email address and password (like many times bevor) without any problems, but was surprised by an unknown level presented. When my mom started the game on her mobile phone a few minutes later she was at the same level and her username/ picture were changed into mine though she's got her own/ different account and didn't logged out on her cell. So we checked other King Games (Crush Saga & Crush Friends) on our smart phones, the same thing, like our separate accounts were put together in one. We logged in and out several times on our devices with our different email adresses and passwords, but were always presented the exact same levels and username, but with different email/ account address. And when I finished a level on my cell, the progress was saved on my mum's supposedly different account as well. Can you help us getting back our separate accounts because neither one of us wants to share an account nor start new ones ( with Level 1). Sorry for my poor Englisch, it's not my native tongue.