Why is it every since the new update when we get our daily bonus present we only get one item in our gift box. What happened to us getting like 3 to 5 in there? I think they need to change it
I am still getting more than one (and I think I have the most updated version) and how much you get depends on the size of the box for that particular day. Of course sometimes I have noticed there can be a difference depending on if you play on a mobile device or on a PC - I play on mobile devices.
I play on mobile device and am getting 2 . I feel like it's part of a testing group . With that being said , o feel like one testing group my receive better benefits than the other which I don't like. I noticed some people got the piggy bank for free and some did not. It's due to testing but I don't think it's fair to test that way. Now some people are getting less on daily bonuses. Same thing with star chasers. Some get and some don't. And then the Olivia event . I seem to never get any kind of "testing" that helps me out. I would like free gb or star chaser events to complete my stickers quicker or to get my regular daily prizes but I don't. It makes me feel unliked by the studio. I wonder how they pick who gets the short end of testing and if you could opt out of testing 🤔