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Missing Troll

caambuj Posts: 1,733
edited July 2019 in Support
I was playing on level 350 approx. With king account and level 1162 with my facebook a/c. Now whenever i open king a/c to play 350 level, directly opening on 1162 level. I had a pop up of bubble gum troll in king a/c which does not show in my fb ac. Using samsung galaxy next mob. Pls solve as i want 2 play through both ac


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    Hello @caambuj, Hearty Welcome to the Candy Friends section of our friendly King Community :)

    I am sorry to say that I have not heard about this kind of issue as I have synced both my accounts, hence play through single account. 

    Let me check and find out and get back to you with any suggestions that could be useful for you.  

    Hope to talk to you soon!  Have a nice day/evening!
  • caambuj
    caambuj Posts: 1,733
    Thanx Raj for trying to solve my issue. Actually i was using 2 different mail id in a single mobile. 1 was syncd with fb and 2nd with king account. Now on opening through both id, i am reaching directly in highest level which is 1162. Its the case of 2 different user playing in a single device and now both shown in the same level with same booster i.e. syncd. My bubblegum troll also disappeared which was in lower level.
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    edited June 2019
    Hello again @caambuj,

    With regards to Bubblegum Troll, did you try and play few levels?  Because, we were told that the BGT will not appear until we play & win 3 Levels!!  Just wondering....

    Can you please post your game user ID (it will be in digits) for both King account as well as Facebook accounts... 

    For King account, take this link help

    Please let me know if you need help to find Facebook ID.

    Hope to talk to you soon!  Have a nice day/evening!
  • caambuj
    caambuj Posts: 1,733
    edited July 2019
     Hi Raj, thanx for giving personal attension.
     Let me clear all the thing. I was using xxxx@gmail id and synced with fb. When i reached 1100 level no costume challenge was available and i stopped playing. Then i created yyyy@gmail id and linked with king ac and reached roughly 350 level . I got bubble gum troll and after complition heading towards bubble gum crown costume. Meanwhile i linked my fb ac (1150 level ) with king ac also in a hope that find bubble gum troll for that ac also. 
    Prob started after that and my both ac shows 1162 level and bubble gum troll pop up disappeared. Now both showing same id i.e. 3450053112.
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    Hello again @caambuj, Thank you very much for posting the ID number :)

    I strongly recommend you to remove your email addresses from the above post -- since this is the Public forum, giving our personal information is never safe!!

    You can EDIT your post by clicking on the Gear / Cog Wheel Icon located in top right corner of your message!

    Talk to you soon and will get back to discuss more about the issue :+1:
  • Hi @caambuj it sounds like you may have linked your king and facebook accounts accidentally...that's the only thing that I could think of that would cause this issue.  This is wayyyy outside of my league though so take that with a grain of salt.  I would suggest contacting player support in the game itself as they have access to more information than I do with regards to account issues.
  • caambuj
    caambuj Posts: 1,733
    I contact with support team. They asked to follow some steps otherwise reinstall the app. I did both of them but result was zero. 
    How 2 mail id assigned a single user id? My both id open into higher level with 100% similarty.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?