- Our new friend Rachel's Rainbow Candy Power seems a bit confusing at first. It takes some practice to learn how to use her Rainbow Candy effectively. After completing the Part 1 of the Quest twice (on mobile and Win10), I think I understand how to use her power a bit better now. This is my own understanding of the Rainbow Candy and by no means being official instructions. There may be mistake in my understanding. Please feel free to comment.
- The Rainbow Candy will make 4* clones of the candy you cross it with.
- If you grab the Rainbow Candy and swap it with the adjacent candy, there will be 1 space gap (where the original candy sits) and 4* clones will be produced in the same direction of the swap.
- If you grab a candy and swap it with the Rainbow Candy, 4* clones will be produced next to the Rainbow Candy (no gap) in the same direction.
- The clones will be of the same color and type of the original candy. If you cross Stripped Candy, the stripe attack direction will be random.
- The cloned stripped candies, wrapped candies, color bombs and coloring candies will be detonated immediately.
- The Rainbow Candy clones will NOT be extended into blockers. If you swap the Rainbow Candy towards a blocker, no clone will be made after it hits and clears a single blocker.
- Plan the swapping direction and the spacing carefully, the Rainbow Candy is useful in creating Coloring Candy / Color bomb.
- Please add your findings to the list. I hope this will help you to complete the quest and enjoy the game better.
*corrected quantity of clones