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Give us your feedback on the Jelly Queen!



  • Musix_Magick
    Musix_Magick Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I was so excited for her!  I completed all her levels & had I think 15 days to get 45 stars to unlock her.  That was yesterday. Today I came back and everything having to do with Jelly Queen completely vanished.  No level progress, no stars, nothing. Where did she go!? Coolest ever & I never get them unlocked.  I'm so sad! User id 10672812265
  • ivorytuskmeg
    ivorytuskmeg Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I beat the Jelly Queen levels and I was working on my stars and now the whole thing is gone. So bummed. 😢
  • labeach2002
    labeach2002 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I lost my progress as well, I was around 1/2 to the 45 star .  
  • D2V
    D2V Posts: 97

    Level 3

    Hi @QueenMia 👋

    Sad to report more bad news about Jelly Queen. I had completed the 10 levels and was working on my 45 stars and she up and disappeared!! Signed in and out but nothing. From the comments here and on FaceBook it looks like lots of people have had her vanish. Any word on a solution?? 
  • sparkle100
    sparkle100 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    nana6977 said:
    Wow jelly queen didnt appear on my game think that everyone should have the opportunity to play for a new character since i have them all and now cant try for the queen this needs to get changed

  • tbenner
    tbenner Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I too list my progress on the jelly queen saga.   I was working on my stars when everything disappeared when I logged in today.  Frustrating. I was excited to add her character.  Is there a glitch?

  • SABADE20
    SABADE20 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I did all 10 levels and had 24 stars but no the quest has disappeared from my app. Not the 1st time these quests disappear before I finish the quest mega frustrating 
  • QueenMia
    QueenMia Posts: 12,972
    edited January 2020
    Hi guys,

    We have had some issues, indeed, but it's fixed now - Please read my comment here for more info. 

    Thanks and happy playing 🍒
  • jatlog
    jatlog Posts: 17

    Level 2

    jelly queen is back and the stars I earned were not lost. Fingers crossed that the 2 days and spent trying to fix the issue do not cost me earning the character.
  • Rich_Silva
    Rich_Silva Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Nice that the Jelly Queen Event is back...

    And my previous Star Total was not lost...

    Is there a way that the Stars I earned yesterday (while the Event went missing...) can be credited to the event?

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?