Have been trying to contact King over the fact that I received a email telling me I had 50 gold bars waiting to be collected no have tried again and again to get these gold bars and as I haven't received them tried emailing king numerous time and have never had a reply I would like to no how to do this and also I used to have a king account no it says with all of my emails which is only 3 that I have ever had just incase I had the wrong 1 even though its the email address I get my mail through off king, I have tried to make a new account with another email and it just keeps asking for me to confirm my email even though have done twice has anyone a way to contact King as they don't seem to reply or just ignore my emails this is getting very frustrating and I am considering deleting all my king games and going onto Google play and warming people about this sort of thing as the whole lot of King games I do have just seem to be getting problem after problem and wasting my money on purchases so I would like a reply before I have to leave Google play comments and also have my friends and family do the same as many of them are having problems similar to mine