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Locking up

jaylow Posts: 1 Newbie
Game has locked up twice on this level. It won’t allow any moves. Have to forfeit lives. And loosing booster time.


  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,286 Sweet Legend
    Hi there!

     I can't see anything in the pictures.

     I would suggest updating your app and clearing the cache.

     Then it should work. It is best to uninstall the app - install - update - clear the cache.

     When uninstalling, boosters can be lost, please be aware of this.

     Hope I could help you further.


     Wish you a great weekend
  • Sukanta_Biswas
    Sukanta_Biswas Posts: 24,932 Crushing Legend
    Hi @jaylow 😊
    We warmly welcome you to the Friendly King Community's Candy Crush Saga forum.
    Sorry to say that You have posted in the wrong place.
    Look at the home page, there are different doors for each specific games, and ask your questions.
    home page here 
    You don't need to post new ones, your posts will be moved to the right place.

    I too got some issues like yours where no move is working. You check the device's update and restart.
    Let me know if the problem is the same. 😊

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?