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How want to comment

nir Posts: 8 Level 2
I don’t find where I can comment I don’t see it I look everywhere and I’m in level 3904 and so far I didn’t get no badge or anything for nothing so if anyone can tell me how to comment on the Community I will love that and what I need to do thank u guys !!!

Best Answer

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 36,425 Candy Moderator
    edited January 2020 Answer ✓
    Hello @nir, Hearty Welcome to our friendly King Community :) 

    You would like to get the badge for the Candy Crush game, right?  Looks like the badge for "Level 1000" is not available anymore!!  But, for "Level 2000" is open now.  

    Here is the link for you to participate

    Just click on above link and you will be taken to the Contest page --->  Then scroll all the way down to the part where you see "Type your Comment" box (just like below here) --->  You will have to post the level you are on and also a screen shot of your map where it shows level # 2000.  

    Once you go to above thread, you will see other players' posts and you will know more about it =)  

    Contest & badge for Level # 3000 is not open yet, as this current contest will run til February 14th.  If you need any further assistance or have any more questions, please feel free to post back here, and I can help you further :+1: 

    Have fun in the Community and in your games!  Talk to you soon & have a wonderful rest of the day/evening!


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