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Friend list not updating with facebook friends even though the accounts are linked

rupisaurio Posts: 23

Level 3


Candy Crush Friends appears in my facebook active apps. However, I can't see my facebook friends on the game (and they can't see me either). I still have only the short list of randomly assigned friends I've had since the beginning of the game.

I've been checking the facebook connectivity posts on the community, but they haven't helped so far.

Details: I'm playing on android. I created my king account before the facebook one and liked them afterwards. A friend who signed up directly with facebook can't see me either.

Thanks in advance for the help!


Best Answer

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    edited February 2020 Answer ✓

    Hello @rupisaurio Hope you are doing fine 🤗

    Thank you for the tag @AbhinavSargar

    Rupi, Let's try something.... I have just realized that we are not able to log into the game through both King & Facebook at the same time!! We must log-out from one account to sign into another account!!!

    I am attaching 2 pictures... 1st one, I have logged in through Facebook and the 2nd with King account! Let’s see how you are logged in... (by looking into the picture you have shared, I am thinking you must have logged in through Kingdom, but let’s make sure)....

    1) Logged in through Facebook 👇️ 👇️

    2) Logged in through Kingdom account (your email ID will be shown under your user name) 👇️ 👇️



  • Hi @rupisaurio

    Welcome to the Community,

    Thanks for being playing King Games,

    Sorry to hear about your problem.
    Since You have tried contacting Our Team for help for your problem, Just check out if your Facebook friends play Candy Crush Friends Saga. Then Contact us with this answer.

    I hope I clarified my point.

  • rupisaurio
    rupisaurio Posts: 23

    Level 3

    Hi Abhinav Sargar

    Thanks for your quick answer!

    Indeed, one of them recently downloaded the game and is playing right beside me. He's on level 8 but I can't see him on my map nor my friends list, and he can't see me on his friends list either.

    Note: we checked and Candy Crush Friends appears as an active app on both our facebooks.

    Thanks again in advance for answering!


  • Acv
    Acv Posts: 650
    edited February 2020

    Hi @ruspiaurio I saw a post by the community team that Friends is not available on Facebook. Maybe that is the issue. Here is the link to the post

  • rupisaurio
    rupisaurio Posts: 23

    Level 3

    Hi @Acv

    Thanks for answering!

    I appreciate your input, but that's not the issue I'm asking about: I don't want to play the game on facebook, I only want to be able to send and receive lives with facebook friends, on the independent game app. I've seen in several posts that this is normal, that people do it all the time. I'm a bit lost about why I can't.

  • AbhinavSargar
    AbhinavSargar Posts: 3,726
    edited February 2020

    Hi @rupisaurio

    I got your problem. Just tell me that are you logged in to Facebook account on Candy Crush Friends Saga app on your android device.

    We'll checkout a solution to this problem soon. Thanks for letting us know.

  • rupisaurio
    rupisaurio Posts: 23

    Level 3

    Hi @AbhinavSargar

    Thanks for writing again!

    I'm logged in to my King account. Last week I synchronyzed King with Facebook. Is that the same thing? I mean: first I created the King account with my email (no facebook), and after playing for a bit I opened a facebook account and linked them.

    I'm attaching a screen cap from my King configuration site where my progress synchronization appears as complete:

  • Hi @rupisaurio

    Thanks for your message,

    We got your problem and understood it.

    @QueenMia Please look into this because I have seen many players of this Game experience the same problem. If you have any solution to this please provide it. Also @PummyRaj if you have any solution please provide it.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    edited February 2020 Answer ✓

    Hello @rupisaurio Hope you are doing fine 🤗

    Thank you for the tag @AbhinavSargar

    Rupi, Let's try something.... I have just realized that we are not able to log into the game through both King & Facebook at the same time!! We must log-out from one account to sign into another account!!!

    I am attaching 2 pictures... 1st one, I have logged in through Facebook and the 2nd with King account! Let’s see how you are logged in... (by looking into the picture you have shared, I am thinking you must have logged in through Kingdom, but let’s make sure)....

    1) Logged in through Facebook 👇️ 👇️

    2) Logged in through Kingdom account (your email ID will be shown under your user name) 👇️ 👇️

  • You are Welcome @PummyRaj and I hope you find this useful and Comment if it didn't work. @rupisaurio

  • rupisaurio
    rupisaurio Posts: 23

    Level 3

    edited February 2020

    Hi @PummyRaj & @AbhinavSargar

    Thanks a lot for all the help!!

    As @PummyRaj so intelligently pointed, my problem was that I expected to connect with facebook friends while logged in with my King account (I thought they were the same thing). As soon as I disconnected and reconnected with facebook, my friends appeared!

    I didn't lose progress, because it was synchronized, and now I'm getting lives all the time. Thanks a lot! I really appreciate how you took the time to help me with this. Have a nice weekend :)

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