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What’s up with King & there BS?

maria531 Posts: 2 Newbie

In this pandemic they are supposed to help us de stress yet they just stole 69 gold bars from me

changed my booster wheel to some nonsense where the max extra moves I can win is only 5 & that’s virtually impossible

what happened to if you tap something wrong it asks do you want to XXXX

BEFORE STEALING 69 gold bars from me

this is BS

why are you stressing us out Vs destresser

also why can’t I just simply ems you from within my account



  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 151,658 Candy Moderator

    Hi @maria531 . Welcome to our Community 🙎‍♀️

    Sorry to hear that you lose Gold Bars!! This King Community does not deal with the Purchase issues as the query includes your personal details!

    Please Check this useful page where you can see how to request a refund depending on the device you play on. 

    If you play on mobile and want to contact Player Support, the best way then is to email directly from the game. 

    Go to the game's Start Menu, then Settings - Help Center - Purchases & Gold Bars - Contact us and send them an email. When sending an email directly from the game, Player Support will automatically get your purchase history and all transactions the recent 90 days. 

    Don't forget to add your Game User ID to the email so Player Support will find your game.

    Hope this will help you

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