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The Cookie Challenge

Just_Me-2 Posts: 297


I completed the Jelly Queen quest on 7-30-20 and had a pop-up thereafter pertaining to the above-mentioned. I have not seen the challenge to date. I just performed an update hoping that it will appear but the challenge is nowhere to be found. Please see screenshots and advise. Thank you.



  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    edited August 2020

    Hello @Just_Me-2 Hearty Welcome Back dear 🤗

    Hope you are doing great and staying safe ❤️ I am sorry to hear about the issue in your game!

    In these past 4 days, have you passed any "Dunk the Cookie" levels? Did the challenge did not pop-up even then? Can you please let me know?

    Talk to you soon 😍

  • aijaziqbal
    aijaziqbal Posts: 8,884

    Hi and welcome to the community. @Just_Me-2 .

    This issue has bee reported by some other players too. I am tagging this to @PummyRaj . But she may need your Game ID to pass on to CM.

    And here is how you find your game user ID number ---> If you are on "Home" screen, you can directly click on "Profile" tab -- if you are inside the game (on Map screen), click on the "Settings" (Cog Wheel icon) -- then click on "Profile" tab -- Double Click on the "King Emblem" that you see on top of the screen -- You will see your ID number -- simply copy and paste it here 🙂

  • Just_Me-2
    Just_Me-2 Posts: 297

    Hi PummRaj and aijaziqbal,

    I cannot remember if there was a "dunk the cookie" level prior to the notification popping up or after. I know there was a cookie level that I completed close to when this challenge was supposed to happen. My Game ID is 6630961816. Thank you.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Thank you dear @Just_Me-2 🤗

    The Friends Community In-charge team are aware about this issue and the Studio is also looking into it 👍️

    I will get back to you as soon as I have any new information about the issue.

    Talk to you soon. Have a wonderful rest of the day 🍭 🍭

  • Just_Me-2
    Just_Me-2 Posts: 297

    Hi PummyRaj,

    Thank you for passing this information on to the team in charge. I really appreciate it and look forward to receiving an answer.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello dear @Just_Me-2 🤗

    Our Friends game In-charge has sent some Lollipops and Gold Bars in your way as a compensation for the issue you had with the Dunk Cookie event.

    If you don't see a pop-by now, close the App and restart your device. Then the gift will pop up 🙂

    Enjoy the goodies and keep having fun in your game(s) ❤️

  • Just_Me-2
    Just_Me-2 Posts: 297

    Hi PummyRaj,

    I got the gold bars but did not notice anything else. Can you please be so kind to find out exactly which type of lollipops and also how many were awarded. I really appreciate all that you have done. Thank you and have a good day and great well.

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123

    Hello dear @Just_Me-2 🤗 Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

    Usually, we receive either the "regular Lollipops" or one of each as a compensation. But, I will try to find out and get back to you as soon as I find some info 👍️

    Thank you for your patience.

    Talk to you soon. Have a great rest of the day 🍭 🍭

  • Just_Me-2
    Just_Me-2 Posts: 297

    Hi PummyRaj,

    I had a good weekend and hope you did too! Thank you for responding and I am looking forward to receiving your reply on this issue.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?