The Community in more languages
Now the forum welcomes more languages.
You'll see a green translate button in comments and discussions to turn them into English
Hello Friends Crew 🤗
It's time for a new game!
How does it work? It's simple!
Each player posts a word that rhymes with the one posted above him. Then posts a new word for the next rhyme.
Makes sense? Let's try it then 🍒
First Word 👉 FRIENDS 👭 👫 👬
Hey @Diamond Lim @MightyWolf @KingChewy @bearwithme @Nat09 @gr33n3y3z @BQN537 @Glenn1972 @siti_payung @Freddy_Falkner @mysticalmysty @firebombmarkus @actipton80 @candycrushinit @Sofia1992 .. want to give it a try?