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[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 15,585
edited March 2021 in Discussions

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⚠ NOTE: The comment section of this discussion is closed!

◉ Here's some FAQs you need to know about the event:

🎵 How it's gonna work?

Unlike Friends' Battle Royale 2020, this one will be a lot different... 👇

● Qualifiers Rounds:

Every week there will be round based on the one character's costumes collections and you are going to vote for your favorite costume and then I will pick one winner that will be reached to the biggest matchs which is Royalty Rounds... ✌

⚠ Characters that will be included on the Qualifiers: Tiffi, Yeti, Nutcracker, Odus, Misty, Red Rabbit, Dachs, Bubblegum Troll (Olivia, & other released costumes will not going to included on the list cause she has only one costume at this moment but don't worry she will be joined on the Royalty Rounds...)

● Royalty Rounds:

There will be 2 rounds and 10 costumes **Each round has 5 of favorite costumes that you picked from the previous rounds including other released costumes & Olivia the Witch** and each every round there will be just one winner and only 2 costumes will be ready for the finals... 💝

● Finals:

Just two will reached to the big Final and then we will wait for whoever takes the title of the most favorite Candy Crush Friends costume of 2021! 👊

🎵 There's going to somethings not included in this battle?

Yes, and here's more details... 👇

  • All Default characters costumes will not included...
  • Jelly Queen & Rachel will not joining this battle due they haven't any costume!
🎵 Is this the future of Friends' Battle Royale?

No, but that's how my plan is going, the position that i want to do is to make a year of battle between characters and then on the next year it will be costumes collections, etc... (just like Olympics Games)

🎵 There will be Friends' Battle Royale 2021 badge?

Yes, but how? Join the battle with us HERE, vote and comment and you will get the badge right after you do that!

Here's how it look like... Check this link HERE!

🎵 Can we comment on the polls?
No... All matchs and polls will be closed and you can just vote but to comment you need to go to the Friends' Battle Royale 2021 Discussion and then tell us which costume you vote... 😉
🎵 When will Friends' Battle Royale 2021 ends!?

The entire event starts from Today until April 18th! 👌

⚠ Check it out HERE for more detailed information on the schedule of the event!

Don't forget to react (Sweet 👍 - Love 💗) into my discussion! 🎶🎵

Let's see your sweetest comments...

See you in battle... 💞

This discussion has been closed.

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