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Strategy for MIDDLE of a CCFS game

To remove blockers during the MIDDLE of a CCFS game often requires some planning or “Look Ahead” to create MAXIMUM DESTRUCTION. In the middle of this game, I had to plan a way to get the two Orange Wrapped Candies together so that I could combine them and get a great explosion! I Looked Ahead and saw that if I could bring down the orange striped candy by 1 row and set it off, it would blast across and remove the yellow candy separating the two Orange Wrapped Candies. To do that, I first matched the 3 blue candies to drop the orange striped candy down a row.

Now moving the orange striped candy one space right matched with the other 2 Orange candies, setting it off and blasting across the playing grid.

Now I could combine the 2 Orange Wrapped Candies as planned and destroy much of the left side blockers.

An unexpected side benefit was the creation of a red Coloring Candy at the bottom. To get MAXIMUM DESTRUCTION from the red CC, I needed to combine it with a Fish, Striped, or Wrapped candy. Although none of those was right next to it I saw that moving the Orange Fish one space to the right would put it just above the red CC.

Now combining the red CC + orange fish created and activated about 17 fish, which destroyed many of the remaining caramel cup blockers, as well as setting off the “licorice bites” at the bottom.

So now the grid was fairly well cleared for the “end game” phase.

So the MAXIMUM DESTRUCTION strategy worked well for the middle part of this game.


  • DGenevieve
    DGenevieve Posts: 1,749

    Thanks @Uncle_Bob . I’ll try it when I get to this level some day.

  • One strategy for the middle of a CCFS level that has a lot of blockers at the bottom is a “Depth First” destruction strategy where you first try to destroy a path down to the bottom, and then destroy the blockers on the left or right at the bottom levels. The Recommended Move in this example was matching the 3 cyan candies in the center row, but moving the orange candy one space to the right matched the column of 3 cyan candies and brought down and exploded the orange wrapped candy near the bottom, which is where we need the destruction.

    The ultimate goal was to detonate the purple striped candies in the two lowest rows in order to get cookies freed and blockers destroyed so that the cookies would be dunked in the chocolate.

  • Especially in the middle part of a CCFS game when you have 10 or more moves to use, it pays to carefully “Look Ahead” for possible multi-move combinations that will have the desired destruction. In this case , using 1 move to simply match the row of 3 purple candies will bring down the purple Wrapped Candy to where it can be effectively combined with a purple striped candy.

    By bringing down the purple Wrapped Candy on top of the purple striped candy, you set up a wrapped + striped combination explosion that damages all blockers in the 3 rows and 3 columns centered on that combination. However, the blast pattern depends on EXACTLY WHICH WAY YOU MAKE THAT COMBINATION ! So in this case you must push the wrapped candy DOWN so that the 3 rows of the blast pattern include all 3 lower rows of the grid which have all the cookies and blockers.

    That move immediately dunked the two cookies on the left and damaged enough blockers so that the other 4 cookies could be dunked by the end of the game.

    So remember to “Look Ahead” for combination moves in the middle of the game that will get you closer to destroying the blockers and solving that level! Cheers!

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