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Team Tasks for Dachs Delivery Service just got a LOT harder!

Our Uncle Bob DDS team just received the following set of Team Tasks:

“Use Yeti’s Power” is now 120 cycles rather than 40 cycles, so that task is 3 times harder.

”Combine Stripe and Wrapped Candies” is now 40 times rather than 30 times, so that task is 33% harder

”Create Color Bombs” is now 30 CBs rather than 20 CBs, so that task is 50% harder.

”Create Fish” is now 300 Fish rather than 200 Fish, so that task is 50% harder.

”Earn New Stars” is now 100 stars rather than 150 stars, so that task is 33% easier.

”Use Moves on new Levels” is now 700 moves rather than 500 moves, so that task is now 40% harder.

So although the “Earn Stars” task was made easier after some people complained about it, all the other tasks were made much more difficult. This dramatically decreases the relative amount of team rewards for the effort invested by all team members. I predict this increased difficulty will further erode player motivation for, and participation in, the Dachs Delivery Service event in CCFS.

What have all the rest of you who have participated in the Dachs Delivery Service event think of this dramatic change in difficulty of the Team Tasks? Have your DDS tasks also increased in difficulty on the average? What do you think will happen as a result?



  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,597

    Hi @UncleBob2 unfortunately I can't have a say, I didn't get the event. My team said today via PM that Dachs delivery service has reopened. However, only 9 days and not the usual 14 days.

    Unfortunately, I am excluded this time. I don't know why I'm not there this time. Of our team of 20 people, only 6 have the event (so far, not all of them have reported yet).

  • AkumaXX
    AkumaXX Posts: 489
    edited August 2021

    But was that event already lasting for only 10 days?

    This update is like Windows 10 - Remove the good features and force to use bad ones.

    More salt: 40 striped + fish, 30 new levels.

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429


    Thanks for making it clear. I have this event. Only I haven't checked it very carefully. My team has always been great until now and I'll see what comes out of it. Many have changed, unfortunately I saw that yesterday.🤷‍♀️

  • ellectra
    ellectra Posts: 295

    Yes, i was one of the people who did not like the 150 stars task so while it is nice they lowered that to 100, doubling the other ones is ridiculous. This is our current set:

    Lol. On top of that, my old phone died and i had to get a new one. I had 200 of each hammer, and now i am starting from 0. I cannot believe that issue has still not been fixed - people change devices all the time and have been complaining about it for years.

    Maybe i should take it as a sign that it's time to stop playing.

  • Pitty_Kitty
    Pitty_Kitty Posts: 13,008

    wow what a dramatic change. I don't have DDS anymore since teams were created because the team feature doesn't work properly in my game. but what a change this is. the studio was worrying players were getting too many boosters, maybe 😲

  • UncleBob2
    UncleBob2 Posts: 130

    Hello everyone! The system invalidated the password for Uncle_Bob and would not accept any reset of the password, so I had to create this nee sign-on, but its the same old Uncle Bob.

    @DieOmimi Your situation is ridiculous! If we are trying to operate as a real TEAM, then all tram members must all get the DDS event, or all not get the DDS event. I lead team Uncle Bob, and now I have to consider that some of my “non-participating “ team members actually CANNOT participate because they don’t even have the DDS event! Argh! That will make me even more super careful about deleting team members for non-participation! I had two more completely inactive team members deleted automatically by the system before this cycle of DDS, so I am down to 18 members, and another team I have contact with is down to 13 members, I believe.

    @AkumaXX When you mentioned “more salt” and listed another couple much more difficult DDS Team Tasks, I think you were referring to the English idiom of “rubbing salt in a wound”, and I totally agree that the increased difficulty levels seem to be across the vast majority of the DDS Team Tasks are rather an insult to those of us who have enjoyed the DDS event in the past. However, to have a 10-day cycle matches my records for the sessions 2/12/2021–2/21/2021, 4/16/2021–4/25/2021, 5/7/2021–5/16/2021, 5/28/2021–6/6/2021, 6/18/2021–6/28/2021, and 7/16/2021–7/25/2021. I do have a 2-week DDS session recorded from 3/5/2021–3/18/2021, but for me that was the exception to the usual 10 days. How long have the DDS sessions typically lasted for you?

    @Spinnifix I am worried that the greater difficulty in Team Tasks may induce our team members to stop playing DDS. However, I may be wrong. Could you let me know how your team members seem to react to the new difficulty level of tasks? I enjoy the team aspect of DDS and would hate to see it fail just because King programmers decided to make it more difficult for all of us, but I can also understand my team members finally deciding that the effort to play DDS well just isn’t worth the rewards. [Just as I ignore the “Beach Race” event because there is no team component and the unlikely rewards are not worth the playing effort.]

    @ellectra Thanks for posting your team’s set of DDS tasks, which confirms that almost all tasks except the “150 stars” one have increased in difficulty. However, to be fair, I have also not seen the dreaded “3 Super Hard Levels” nor the “8 Hard Levels” tasks yet, so maybe the programmers have eliminated those. I also commiserate with you about losing all your Lollipop Hammers! I have read of other players losing their accumulated Hammers when resetting their game, and that is unfair for sure. The system wants me to consolidate my accounts, but that would require rebooting the basic game , and I refuse to do that because I have over 1,000 Lollipop Hammers that I earned by watching many hundreds of advertising videos over the years. If those were taken from me, I would be angry and strongly tempted to stop playing the game, but I enjoy your informative posts and personally hope you keep playing.

    @Pitty_Kitty I think it is a shame you can’t get the DDS event on your device, as I think the Team aspect makes the game MUCH more interesting than just progressing levels. But that’s partly because I hit the “end of the road” over a year ago, and now have to ration my use of the 20 new levels each week, which is slightly frustrating and way different than just crashing along through as many new levels as you want! But if you get a device where you also get the DDS event in CCFS, you would be quite welcome to join @Grumpy_Old_Man and me on the Uncle Bob team. I can send Grumpy messages using the private messages aspect of this website, and it has been fun to communicate with at least 1 of my team members!

    Cheers, everyone, and happy crushing!

  • DieOmimi
    DieOmimi Posts: 42,597

    @UncleBob2 Pitty is on my team and doesn't have the event, just like me. Also two other community members do not have it and with another member it has appeared. Then her PB crashed and now she doesn't have it anymore. That is, out of 20 members who also play (you can see it in the level progress in the team function), it is only counted by a few members for the delivery service. I have done (the others too) all sorts of troubleshooting measures. No chance to get the delivery service. My last step was to uninstall and reinstall the app. Unfortunately, it didn't help either. And I start with the daily reward again at day 1. Ok, I can get over it.

    From the level progress we are at different levels. There are some that have not yet reached level 1000 and those at the end of the map. So there is enough potential to create the required new levels or stars, etc. I don't find the tasks difficult. 

    It's a good thing that we can talk via PM. Everyone knows that it is not a bad intention of us not to help with the delivery service. But we cannot benefit from it either. The latter disappoints me the most. I used up my supply of lollipops before uninstalling my app. Now I'm starting from scratch again. I just hope that there won't be an early event where I might need lollipops. But well, you can't have it all. It's in the game like in real life.

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Hello Uncle Bob.

    🤷‍♀️ I am now overwhelmed. I see that they are playing normally. I just have to check it out more closely. I will see it. Back then, the rewards came very quickly.

  • ellectra
    ellectra Posts: 295

    I mean actually it's not that bad... if you have an active team. I did this on my own in under 2h - had some new levels so it went fast. But it's not that much fun playing solo, would be better if all players had a custom team option.

  • Pitty_Kitty
    Pitty_Kitty Posts: 13,008
    edited August 2021

    thanks for the offer but now there's not much I can do about it. I dont' have the event but also I can't make the green team icon appear via troubleshooting anymore. I should be in Dieomimi's team but I can't see it 💁.

    Also I suspect device is not the factor that matters much here, at least in my case. I have a shiny new laptop beside my android phone but there's no sign of teams anywhere. Secondly, 2-3 weeks ago when I was trying to make the team feature appear on my account I made a second account as a test and not only teams but also DDS appeared days after the event started. and the event was pretty stable too, I could close the android app and dds was still there when I opened. the problem is I have no interest in having a different account and starting from zero. so what I think is this my account or user ID is the one not getting the team feature and DDS, not my device which has no problem with receiving it on a new account

    P.s I tried unistalling too but nothing changed of course 😪

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?