I first discovered this issue last night on my phone, so I later tried on my laptop today and it still didn't work. Every time I try to upload and change my avatar (first time changing it), it quickly loads to about 80%, but then displays this message: Please help me for I was cursed with a very ugly starter avatar.
I have been trying for two days, and my avatar loads to 80% and says “Something went wrong while sending your picture, please try again.” I’ve been trying repeatedly but no luck.
Hello guys, thanks for letting us know and warm welcome to the Community to all of you
We are looking into it! I'll keep you posted as soon as I have an update.
@Freddy80 - Is your username related to Freddy Mercury? If so, great one, he's my idol Hehe! Please, could you write in English as this is the only language we are using in the Community? Thank you